Uganda: Ministry of Health alleviates fears of Ebola outbrak – Uganda


The Ministry of Health said there was no confirmed case of Ebola in Uganda despite information from the World Health Organization on a recently confirmed case of HIV / AIDS. 39, epidemic in the village of Kasenyi, near the shores of Lake Albert, Ituri Province.

"The patient died on September 19, 2018, at Tchomia General Hospital, quite close to Uganda, and she was in contact with two previously confirmed cases (her mother and sister), which is a high-risk contact. lost to follow when she moved to Kasenyi, "said Dr. Charles Olaro in a statement.

Dr. Olaro, Director General of Health Services, stated that the patient subsequently fell ill and was admitted to the Tchomia General Hospital where she died later.

"A sample was taken from her and the results published on September 21, 2018 confirmed that the Ebola virus was positive." A team from Beni is currently on the ground investigating this case, identifying and listing all contact responses, " said Dr. Olaro.

He added: "We understand that there are population movements across Lake Albert to Uganda, hence a high risk of spreading the disease in Uganda." The Ministry of Health and its partners support the bordering districts case that could happen in Uganda, "she said.

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