Ukraine MOH: More than 35,000 cases of measles this year, 11 children died


Ukraine continues to report high rates of measles – more than 1,300 cases were reported last week – and continues to urge the public to be vaccinated, even calling for vaccination to a question of national security.

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Since the beginning of the year, 35,233 Ukrainians have been affected by measles and 15 people, including 11 children, have died.

Ministry of Health officials said the fight against the epidemic required collective immunity, a level that was not achieved. When at least 95% of Ukrainians are vaccinated against measles, cases will decrease and protection against the deadly disease will include children and adults who can not be vaccinated for medical reasons.

The importance of collective immunity for the protection of vulnerable people: a look at a fatal case of measles

The highest increase in measles is observed in areas where the level of vaccination coverage is expected to be lowest: in the Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian and Lviv oblasts.

Ministry officials tell the public:

  • Check your vaccination card: two doses of MMR vaccine protect you against measles throughout your life and, in case of illness, significantly reduce the risk of serious complications.
  • If you do not remember when and what vaccines were administered to you or your child and you have not kept a medical record of the vaccine, contact your family doctor – pediatrician or family doctor. Laboratory tests are used to test for immunity against measles, rubella and mumps.
  • If you or your child miss one or only the second dose of MMR vaccine according to the vaccination schedule, contact your health care provider as soon as possible to receive the vaccine. MMR vaccines are free for all children and adolescents under the age of 18, as well as for adults at risk: doctors, educators, students, soldiers, members of joint operations.

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