Ukrainian student has shown a method of determining air quality


Украинский лицеист показал способ определения качества воздуха

Student of the Lyceum in Mariupol is famous in the world thanks to the creation of a special system verifying the quality of the air. About this writes the site, by using the source

This development was presented to the public during the International competition of scientific projects in Turkey (Istanbul). The author of the startup is Artem, Aganan. The name of the project sounds like Breathum. It makes the air monitoring the reaction on organic compounds, harmful to the human body. The guy created the system using very simple components. He wrote software code for the development boards, purchased in a regular store. The product connects to the Internet, as well as the battery. Information about the state of the air is displayed. The assessment is reproduced in a color change of the sensor. The absence of color indicates security, but the red hue speaks to a high content of harmful substances in the air.

At the moment, Artem appreciated your project is only ten dollars. The time spent on development equals six months.

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