Ultra-fast camera takes billions of frames per second in a single exposure | Research and Technology | Oct 2018


MONTREAL, Canada, and PASADENA, Calif., October 15, 2018 – It is now possible to take ultra-fast compressed photos at a rate of 10 trillion frames per second (CUP) with a new camera developed by researchers from the Scientific Research Institute (INRS) and California Institute of Technology (Caltech). The camera system, called T-CUP, passively captures dynamic events with frame intervals of 100 femtoseconds (fs) in a single camera exposure. According to the researchers, T-CUP has set a new real-time imaging speed record, even capturing the light at idle.

T-CUP, the ultra-fast compressed photo system of a trillion frames per second. Courtesy of INRS.

The ultra-fast compressed photo system, a trillion frames per second. Courtesy of INRS.

The T-CUP system was developed on the basis of a fs scanning camera incorporating a type of data acquisition used in applications such as tomography. T-CUP enhances the CUP technology which, at 100 billion frames per second, approaches but does not meet the specifications required to integrate fs lasers.

"We knew that using only a femtosecond scanning camera, the quality of the image would be limited," said Professor Caltech, Lihong Wang. "To improve this, we added another camera that acquires a static image. In combination with the image acquired by the femtosecond scanning camera, we can use what is called a radon transformation to get high quality images while recording 10 trillion frames per second. . "

T-CUP, the ultra-fast compressed photo system of a trillion frames per second. Courtesy of INRS.

Real time imaging of the temporal focus of a femtosecond laser pulse at 2.5 Tfps. With the kind permission of Jinyang Liang, Liren Zhu and Lihong V. Wang.

The team configuration records the dynamic intensity models of a sample and then splits them into two optical channels that retain spatial and temporal information. This division, aided by compressed imaging and the fast scanning camera, minimizes the number of measurements and allows image reconstruction algorithms to achieve twice the frame rates of today's high-speed cameras.

When used for the first time, the T-CUP high-speed camera captured the real-time focus of a single fs laser pulse. This process was recorded in 25 images taken at an interval of 400 fs and detailed the shape, intensity and tilt angle of the light pulse.

"We are already seeing opportunities to increase the speed up to a quadrillion frames per second," said INRS professor Jinyang Liang.

The ability of the T-CUP to clearly reveal the complex evolution of the shape, intensity and width of a time-focused pulse in a single measurement could pave the way for a one-shot characterization. ultrashort pulses; experimental study of light-matter nonlinear interactions; and real-time wavefront engineering for focusing light in deep tissues. Such a breakthrough in ultrafast imaging such as T-CUP could fundamentally alter imagery techniques and applications by detecting and analyzing light-matter interactions at unparalleled temporal resolution.

The search was published in Light: Science & Applications (Https://doi.org/10.1038/s41377-018-0044-7).

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