UN audience laughs when Trump boasts of his achievements


World leaders at the United Nations laugh Tuesday President TrumpDonald John TrumpHouse Republican threatens to call Rosenstein indictment unless he testified boasted about his accomplishments during his tenure.

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," said Trump, opening his speech at the US General Assembly. United.

The audience members then began to laugh and the laughter grew louder when Trump said "so true".

Trump smiled and paused, then replied, "I did not expect this reaction but it's okay."

The president has highlighted his national efforts, including tax cuts and his efforts to build a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico, before addressing his foreign policy goals. .

Trump has often claimed that his predecessor, former President Obama, had made the United States a laughing stock on the world stage.

"We need a president who does not make fun of the whole world.We need a really great leader, a genius of strategy and victory. Trump tweeted in 2014.

– Updated at 11:04

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