UN chief of the environment, Erik Solheim, leaves office in the middle of the expenses


Erik Solheim. Picture: May 2018

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Erik Solheim was the executive director of UN Environment

United Nations Environment Chief Erik Solheim resigned after a dispute over his travel expenses.

A recent internal audit project, obtained by the British Guardian newspaper and read by the BBC, revealed that he had incurred costs of $ 488,518 (£ 382,111) while he was traveling during 529 days out of 668.

This has hurt the reputation of the UN-Environment, an organization that promotes environmental issues and sustainability.

There was "no supervision or responsibility" to monitor this trip.

Mr Solheim, a former Norwegian environment minister, said he had paid back the money "in which" cases of surveillance "had occurred.

  • Report denounces UN chief of environment

On Tuesday, Solheim himself confirmed his resignation, reported broadcaster NRK of Norway.

An official announcement by the UN is expected shortly.

Climate change

By Matt McGrath, BBC correspondent for the environment

Once the news about Erik Solheim's flights and expenses was leaked, he was about to borrow from the UN. This was not solely because of the large sums involved – there was also a problem with the image.

At a time when the awareness of climate change has never been greater, the view of man dedicated to the fight against global warming without end, the introduction of jets around the world could undermine to the reputation of the United Nations.

The auditor's report had also upset some European countries to the point that they had threatened to withhold millions of dollars in funding as he continued to hold this position.

Although many UN members are happy to see him leave, some will lack the energy and the greater visibility that he has brought to a once dull organizational branch. .

What did the audit say?

The amount spent on travel by UN Environment, an agency based in Kenya, doubled between 2014 and 2017.

The report particularly criticized travel undertaken under the leadership of Mr. Solheim, the UN's executive director for the environment since 2016. In total, about $ 58 million has been spent over the past two years.

Although all UN staff members are expected to prepare "mission reports" within two weeks of their trip, the audit found that they were often missing.

When asked for reports on 596 trips undertaken by 32 managers and staff members, 210 mission reports were not provided, and about 200 others were completed only after the demand.

The audio was produced by the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) of the United Nations.

He states that Mr. Solheim's leave and travel were approved by a member of his office who reported directly to him, in violation of UN rules.

Once, he said: "He made an eight-hour trip from Washington DC for a weekend in Paris, before taking another flight to New York."

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