UN leader hears about "unimaginable" atrocities while visiting Rohingya camps


UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he heard "unimaginable" stories of atrocities during a Monday visit to refugee camps in Bangladesh and asked that the Myanmar is held responsible for "crimes" against the Rohingya. The Muslim minority persecuted as "a humanitarian and human nightmare" before visiting makeshift shelters stuffed with people who escaped a gigantic Myanmar army operation last year that the UN has assimilated to ethnic cleansing

refugees living in overcrowded camps, where nearly one million Rohingyas sought refuge against successive waves of violence in Myanmar

"It is probably the only one in the world. one of the most tragic, historic and systematic violations of human rights, "Guterres told reporters. Kutupalong Camp, the largest refugee settlement in the world.

"Sometimes people tend to forget who is responsible for what happened.The responsibility is – it is in Myanmar.

" But it is true that the entire international community could not stop. Myanmar's responsibility for the crime must be attributed to those who committed the crimes. "

The level of suffering" unparalleled "has created" the obligation to put pressure on Myanmar for the situation to change, "Guterres added.

Most Rohingyas in Bangladesh, or about 700,000 people crossed the border last August to escape violence.

They are hated by many in Myanmar, where they were stripped of their Guterres citizenship, accompanied by World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim, said he heard "unimaginable accounts of murder and rape" during his first visit to the Rohingya camps as UN chief

– "Nothing could prepare me for the The magnitude of the crisis and the magnitude of the suffering I've experienced today, "Guterres said on Twitter.

" I've heard heartbreaking stories of Rohingya refugees who will stay with "

Kim said the difficulties in the camps were "one of the most disturbing situations we have ever seen.

"I was appalled, but the whole world should be dismayed by what we see" A UN Security Council delegation visited at the beginning of May at the beginning of May. Myanmar in Rakhine State, where she met with refugees who gave detailed information about murders, rapes and villages burned in. Bangladesh and Myanmar agreed in November to start repatriating the Rohingya, but the process is stalled, both parties accusing each other of failing the effort.

They have been resettled and the vast majority refuse to consider their return as long as their rights, their Citizenship and their security will not be assured.

About 100 Rohingyas protested just before Guterres' visit, dissatisfied with a preliminary agreement with Myanmar Mohibullah, a community leader for the displaced minority, said that He raised Guterres with concerns about the & # 39; agreement of & # 39; UN is not referring to the Rohingya by name.

Myanmar refers to the Rohingya as "Bengalis" because it does not recognize the Muslim group as originating from the country.

Guterres stated that the preliminary agreement was a "first step" towards "progressive recognition of the rights of these people". stated that the conditions in Rakhine are not conducive to safe, voluntary and dignified repatriation of refugees.

Guterres thanked Bangladesh, an impoverished nation of 160 million people exposed to natural disasters, for having opened its doors to the Rohingyas.

This is a lesson for many countries that are much more developed, see a few thousand people arrive and close the borders. "

UN chief Antonio Guterres (C) says he heard heartbreaking stories of Rohingya refugees who will stay with me forever"

Most of the Rohingyas in Bangladesh, either some 700,000 people crossed the border last August to escape violence

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