United Airlines ceiling panel falls on a passenger when plane lands in Washington


An uneventful flight from United Airlines from Amsterdam to Washington, DC, changed when a ceiling board fell on a passenger while the aircraft landed on Wednesday, video of the incident shows.

The brutal landing in the international airport Dulles ceiling panel to fall. A passenger told FOX5 that the "top fell" and that it was "falling on people".

The same witness told the news station that the plane was "braking hard" and that the flight attendants were unable to help the passenger

Fortunately, no one was injured during the incident.

A spokesman for United Airlines told Fox News in a statement Saturday that "an interior aircraft ceiling panel has been detached during the landing. have examined the client to confirm that there was no injury.

"We apologized to our client for this experience, and our maintenance team repaired the panel," says statement

Madeline Farber is reporter for Fox News You can follow her on Twitter @MaddieFarberUDK.

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