United States: North Korea looking for a second Trump-Kim summit


State Secretary Mike Pompeo speaking at a press conference in Washington last month.

State Secretary Mike Pompeo speaking at a press conference in Washington last month.



US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet in New York on Thursday with a senior North Korean official as the two governments prepare for a second summit between President Trump and President Kim Jong Un, said Monday. 39; State.

Pompeo will meet Kim Yong Chol, vice chairman of the North Korean Central Committee and former head of the country's intelligence services, the state department said. The two officials will discuss the commitments made at the June summit in Singapore between MM. Trump and Kim, "including the realization of the final and fully verified denuclearization" of North Korea, according to the state department.

Mr. Pompeo will be accompanied by Stephen Biegun, United States Special Representative for North Korea, who visited Seoul at the end of October.

The talks come as North Korea intensifies its anti-American action. The country's foreign minister said Friday he could resume nuclear work in the absence of sanctions from the US government.

Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will meet with their Chinese counterparts in Washington on Friday for a second round of talks on key issues, the US State Department said on Monday.

The diplomatic and security dialogue, established by President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, will include Yang Jiechi, director of the Chinese Communist Party's foreign affairs bureau, and the Minister of National Defense, General Wei Fenghe.

This announcement comes as the United States and China face a series of fierce trade and foreign policy disputes and MM. Trump and Xi are preparing to meet at the summit of the Group of 20 most important nations in Buenos Aires. The United States has seen China as a means of eliminating nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula.

Write to Courtney McBride at [email protected]

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