United States surrender to Chinese unity in a new phase of sanctions against Russia


A Sukhoi Su-25 Russian took part last week in military maneuvers. A Chinese military research unit was sanctioned Thursday by the United States for buying such planes and other Russian equipment.

A Sukhoi Su-25 Russian took part last week in military maneuvers. A Chinese military research unit was sanctioned Thursday by the United States for buying such planes and other Russian equipment.


Ministry of Defense Russian / EPA / Shutterstock

WASHINGTON – The Trump administration has imposed sanctions on one of China's central military research units for two Russian arms operations, expanding its list of targets by launching a new phase of the sanctions campaign more and more Moscow-led intensive campaign against Moscow.

The US Treasury and state departments, using a new power of sanctions imposed by Congress last year to target intelligence operations and the Moscow defense industry, have sanctioned the Department of Equipment development for recent purchases of Sukhoi Su-25 and S-400 fighter aircraft. air missiles of Russia. The sanctions freeze the Department's holdings in the US financial system, prevent senior officials from traveling and prohibit commercial and financial transactions with the Chinese entity.

A ship laying pipes this week for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea, intended to transport natural gas directly from Russia to Germany.

A ship laying pipes this week for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea, intended to transport natural gas directly from Russia to Germany.


Stefan Sauer / DPA / Zuma Press

In addition, the State Department has added 33 Russian intelligence and defense agents to its black list of companies and security agents, and the White House has put in place a decree specifying the sanctions it provides for the new phase of its pressure campaign.

Representatives of the Chinese and Russian embassies in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.

The actions take place in a context of growing tensions between the United States and Russia and the pressure of Congress for the White House to punish Moscow more forcefully. Lawmakers have criticized the administration for not having used all the powers granted by Congress last year, including against Russian defense firms, as part of a more ambitious plan to quell the hostile nature of the adventurers foreigners.

Congress released new powers last year following revelations that Moscow has interfered with the 2016 US elections and when federal prosecutors have opened an investigation into the possible collusion of Trump campaign officials with Russian agents .

Congress calls for more aggressive sanctions as US security officials warn Syria's Syrian ally, President Bashar al-Assad, to again use chemical weapons against civilians and new attacks on civilians US infrastructure and November elections.

Senior government officials, trying to fend off bipartisan pressure from lawmakers to impose new sanctions that could broaden and toughen punitive powers against Russia, have said in recent weeks that new measures are needed. come. They warned Moscow that the administration was considering sanctions against some of the biggest defense companies in the country and that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was being built to supply Europe with natural gas.

Write to Ian Talley at [email protected]

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