United Way Chairman resigns a few days after CEO leaves


Dear members of the Board of Directors, In light of recent events, I have paid particular attention to the situation we are facing. It is hard to believe that this is where we are after the enthusiasm and promise we felt when we examined Michael Johnson's candidacy. In addition to being Chairman of the Board, I have also served on a diverse recruitment committee that oversaw the extensive national research that led to Michael's hiring. When he agreed to join the team, I was more excited than ever for our future and where Michael could lead us. It is important to emphasize here that I believe deeply in the power of diversity of experience and background – it is a core value that is at the heart of the culture I cultivate as a leader. Last week, we found ourselves at this difficult juncture. I've always wanted Michael and Centraide to succeed together and I've worked hard for this to happen, but in recent days it has become apparent that it would be best for United Way and Michael to separate. The last few days have been an emotional challenge for all of us in the Cincinnati community. How we got to this point is an important issue, but the most important question is how to move forward. We must move forward to restore confidence, to unite and redouble our commitment to the core mission of Centraide serving the communities of Cincinnati, who rely so heavily on our work. After careful consideration and thanks to my unwavering dedication to this mission, I concluded that my resignation from the Board of Directors would pave the way for the direction of dialogue on unity, reintegration into our community and progress. As dedicated as I am to serving as Chair of the UWGC Board of Directors, it is clear to me that we can not be distracted by this unproductive debate which seems to me to be singularly focused on my role. It does not matter the "fairness" of the debate; we must focus on constructive progress. For this reason, and considering my dedication to our community of Cincinnati and United Way, including the men and women who serve the UWGC every day and the communities served by the UWGC, I decided that my resignation is the most significant. the steps I can take to support this mission. My devotion to Cincinnati, the UWGC and our communities has never been so strong. My deep commitment to power and the need for diversity and inclusivity at UWGC, Cincinnati and all that I do every day as a leader, mother, wife and citizen is truly unshakeable. I would like to thank each and every one of you for granting me the privilege of serving on this Council and I sincerely wish this organization a tremendous success in its future work. Sincerely, Julia W. Poston

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