University basketball corruption trial: Oregon denies charge of offering Brian Bowen money


The first of three highly anticipated federal trials related to the FBI's investigation into harmful recruitment tactics in college basketball began Tuesday in downtown Manhattan.

The trial was quick to make headlines and launch flares around the sport.

Casey Donnelly – The accused's lawyer James Gatto, former senior adidas leader charged with two counts of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud – said in an opening statement that Gatto had orchestrated a $ 100,000 payment the five-star prospect Brian Bowen in Louisville was a way to "level the playing field" according to journalists on the stage at the courthouse.

In October 2017, after Bowen's unlawful engagement in Louisville became known because of the federal inquiry, longtime cardinal coach Rick Pitino was sacked.

On Tuesday, Gatto's legal team set up a new school with a bomb blast. Oregon has now played an important role in this story.

Oregon officials made a brief initial statement within hours of the start of the trial. On Thursday, an even longer and more detailed statement in response to Donnelly's request was issued. He denies any wrongdoing on behalf of Oregon and states that there was a brief internal investigation into the staff of his men's basketball team.

A federal court said this week that the University of Oregon had offered money to a future student-athlete in men's basketball. The UO takes this request very seriously.

In this case, we contacted the US Attorney's Office to see if there is any evidence to support this claim. They have not yet responded to our request. To date, federal authorities or any other party involved in this case or in any other criminal or civil case pending related to recruitment into male college basketball has never communicated with the OU.

Last year, in response to allegations of fraudulent recruiting practices within college basketball, the UO interviewed male basketball staff members and reviewed the players' recruitment practices. This review found no evidence that UO had used cash offers to potential student-athletes or their family members to encourage them to attend the OU. After the claim was made in federal court this week, we again spoke with staff members of male basketball coaches and, again, we found no evidence of unlawful behavior.

Based on all the information currently available, we are confident that coach Dana Altman and her staff members adhere to the highest standards of integrity in recruitment. Coach Altman is one of Canada's most respected men's basketball coaches and we are proud of his strong track record of success on and off the field.

We will continue to closely monitor the US District Court proceedings in the Southern District of New York.

The University of Oregon, renowned for being one of Nike's most successful schools in university athletics, was not the only program put forward by the defense in its opening remarks. The defense said Tuesday that Under Armor had mobilized $ 20,000 to fend off Silvio De Sousa, the former rookie of the elite, in Maryland. . From Sousa is Kansas; his eligibility for the upcoming season remains uncertain.

The aim of Gatto's lawyers is to show that the academic basketball recruiting field is dirty – potentially inherently dirty – at the highest level. They also seek to make a clear difference between breaking the NCAA rules and breaking the law.

The prosecution alleges that Gatto, his code partner Adidas, Merl Code, and an intermediate / basketball rider, Christian Dawkins, coordinated unlawful benefits for future high school students and / or their families and representatives. In doing so, the Department of Justice alleges that universities have been defrauded. Because money has been conspired to be distributed across state borders, the crimes are federal in nature.

With hundreds of hours of federal phone tapping at their disposal, some of which could be used as evidence in this trial, the prosecution is willing to show the accused that they are ready to breaking the rules to play the schools against themselves, even in some cases, involuntarily. .

Thanks to wiretap and even video evidence, the Gatto defense team does not reject events that have or have not happened.

Prosecution witnesses will be called in the coming days, including Brian Bowen Sr., the father of the estimated former Louisville recruit. (Bowen could not be eligible for college level as a result of the investigation.He is currently playing for a team in Australia.) Bowen & # 39; s father did a business, which gives it the immunity to be pursued. His testimony will be among the most expected of this trial, which should last 3 to 4 weeks.

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