A cross-country American Airlines flight diverted to Kansas City on Monday evening because of an unruly flyer who reportedly became belligerent after doing pull-ups from the overhead storage bins.

American Flight 2763 departed from Phoenix around 6:30 p.m. ET and was headed to Boston when it diverted to Kansas City because of the man’s alleged shenanigans, according to CBS Boston (WBZ TV).

Fellow passengers said the man appeared to be intoxicated when he started doing pull-ups from an overhead bin before becoming belligerent.

“The flight attendant probably asked him three or four times to sit down and he refused to sit down and then he really got verbally abusive with her, starting calling her names,” David Markoski said to WBZ.

American confirmed to USA TODAY that an incident had taken place on the aircraft, saying the flight diverted to Kansas City about 90 minutes after takeoff, according to spokesman Ross Feinstein. He said the passenger was removed by law enforcement officers and that the flight continued on to Boston, arriving about 90 minutes behind schedule.

The FBI has taken the lead on the investigation into man’s behavior, though the agency has not filed charges, according to WBZ-TV.

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