Update: 14 dead in an Iranian bombing on the Kurdish opposition in northern Iraq – Xinhua


BAGHDAD, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) – Nearly 14 members of the Iranian Kurdish opposition were killed on Saturday and 39 wounded in Iranian bombing attacks on two Kurdish party headquarters in the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan. indicated Kurdish sources.

An Iranian plane and rockets bombed the camp, at a meeting of the Kurdistan-Democratic Party of Iran (PDK-I), near Kwisanjaq, about thirty kilometers from the border with Iran, Xinhua told a local security source.

Iranian rockets have also attacked the Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDPI) camp, targeting their political bureau, training center and the combatants quarters in Kwisanjaq, the source said on condition of anonymity.

Meanwhile, a medical source at the city's hospital told Xinhua anonymously that the Iranian bombing took place in the morning and left 14 dead and 39 wounded, including 10 in critical conditions.

The Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has condemned in a statement the bombing that targeted the headquarters of Iranian Kurdish opposition parties and killed and wounded a number of people.

The KRG statement reiterated the region's policy of rejecting the use of Iraqi territory of Kurdistan to launch attacks on neighboring countries. "Therefore, we demand that such (Iranian) actions not be repeated and respect the laws of the Kurdistan region," the Kurdish statement said.

Iranian and Turkish forces frequently attack the military bases of their Kurdish opposition parties in the mountainous Kurdistan region of northern and northeastern Iraq, accusing the Kurdish opposition of attacking Iraqi Kurds at home. .

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