US blames Trump in hometown


Donald Trump.

Verbal criticisms were predictable: the United States is feeling uneasy about the prospects of President Donald Trump's "President of America", particularly his aggressive stance on Iran. | Don Emmert / AFP / Getty Images

foreign police

Foreign leaders have refused to show how much Trump was expecting Republican lawmakers, conservative groups and even corporations.



Foreign leaders came this week to New York, the home town of President Donald Trump. But they refused to show the American president the legitimacy he expects from Republican lawmakers, conservative groups and even corporations.

More than three days at the annual United Nations meeting, heads of state and diplomats repeatedly challenged America's foreign policy statements, "America first". At a US Security Council meeting chaired by Trump on Wednesday, criticism of his foreign policy came out openly and indirectly. And in a remarkable moment on Tuesday, an entire audience of diplomats laughed to Trump when he boasted about his accomplishments during a speech to the general assembly. The rest of his speech was greeted by silence and at the end, polite and discreet applause.

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Trump has shown his lack of interest in the UN institution. He arrived late at his speech Tuesday before the general assembly, without explanation, and spent only 30 minutes at a cocktail party at the United States Mission. UN, where the hall is adorned with a statue of Alexander Calder titled "Peace."

Every night, Trump returned to his penthouse at Trump Tower while diplomats and foreign leaders roamed Midtown Manhattan, splashing around cocktails, bars, and dinners.

Even former American allies, like Canada, took a more distant approach to the United States at the meeting in the United States. Trump did not meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for public meetings this week, although the two men briefly shook hands at a luncheon reception.

The reaction is quite different from the way Trump is received in DC – where many are afraid of politically engaging the wrath of the president or becoming the target of one of his tweets – and at gatherings across the country . crowds.

But in New York this week, Trump's applause at rallies – denouncing Iran's nuclear deal or China's trade practices, for example – has been replaced by shrugs, smiles and silence.

After Trump broke into Iran at the security council meeting on Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron stepped back. France and other world powers are still trying to save the deal, which has lifted sanctions against the Middle East country in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program. Trump said he wants a broader deal with Iran that addresses other aspects of the Iranian regime's behavior, including its ballistic missile program and sponsorship of terrorism.

"We need to work together on a long-term strategy to deal with this crisis and we can not be content with sanctions and containment," said Macron.

Macron's comments also came a day after the French leader dedicated that France would not support trade agreements with countries that are not part of the Paris climate agreement – a clear signal to exclude the United States after Trump withdrew the United States from the pact last year.

The Trump administration seemed to have anticipated such a reaction – especially at Wednesday's meeting. Originally, US officials said the meeting would focus on Iran and its military aggression in the Middle East. But realizing that Trump might be isolated on the subject, US officials decided to expand the agenda to cover the importance of the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Be that as it may, the various world leaders at the table on Wednesday took the opportunity to talk about a whole series of questions. The smaller countries were particularly reluctant to go after Trump because the meeting offered them a rare opportunity to voice their concerns to Trump, everyone watching.

The President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, expressed support for multilateral institutions, which have long drawn Trump's wrath. The head of Equatorial Guinea said nations too committed to "sovereignty" could undermine the well-being of the international community, a likely allusion to Trump's Tuesday sovereignty speech to the entire US body.

And then, there was Bolivia, who spoke about the role played by the United States in the 1953 coup at the start of the critics' shootout that called America too fast to turn to war rather than diplomacy.

"The United States does not care about human rights or justice," Bolivian President Evo Morales said a few steps from the US president.

Bolivia has long been a virulent critic of US foreign policy and Morales did not hesitate on Wednesday.

He referred to past failures in the Middle East and North Africa – including the chaotic events of the US invasion of Iraq and its operations in Libya – to warn of what would happen. he viewed as American conceptions about Iran.

Morales even criticized the Trump administration's previous policy of separating migrant children from their parents along the southern border and putting children in "cages".

Verbal criticisms were predictable: the United States is feeling uneasy about Trump's foreign policy outlook, especially his aggressive stance on Iran. But Wednesday's show was striking, as it involved international leaders confronting the US commander-in-chief with world observers.

Then there were the reactions.

During his speech on Tuesday, when Trump blew up Germany on an energy pipeline to Russia, the cameras surprised the German representatives.

After Trump used his opening remarks at Wednesday's security council meeting to to accuse China, which mingled with the US elections, caught the Chinese representative who reacted to these remarks with a slight shrug.

"They do not want us or us to win because I am the first president to challenge China in trade," said Trump. "And we win on the trade. We win at all levels. We do not want them to interfere or interfere in our upcoming elections, "said the president.

But the time that will probably come to define Trump's 2018 trip to the United States General Assembly was only a few minutes after the President introduced himself to the entire United States body.

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump said at the beginning of his speech.

Slowly, members of the audience started laughing.

"It's so true," Trump continued, before recognizing the slow-laughing laughs.

"I did not expect that reaction, but it's okay," he said, smiling and raising his eyebrows, sending the audience into bigger bursts of laughter.

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