US companies in China say tariffs are deteriorating


BEIJING (AFP) – The majority of US companies in China complain about escalating trade between the United States and China, report rising costs, lower profits and increased surveillance, an investigation said Thursday September 13th.

The survey, conducted by the US Chamber of Commerce in China, surveyed more than 430 US companies present in the country, most of them in the manufacturing sector.

The first set of tariffs by Donald Trump, which reached $ 50 billion worth of Chinese products and resulted in retaliation from one dollar to the other, had a negative impact on 60% of companies. to the survey.

Officials in Washington have proposed a new round of trade talks with Beijing before the entry into force of these tariffs, according to US media Wednesday.

The White House estimates that China will wave the white flag after the next round of tariffs on $ 200 billion worth of goods, said William Zarit, chairman of the chamber.

"But this scenario may underestimate China's ability to continue to cope with fire," he said.

US companies are particularly concerned about the "qualitative measures" that Beijing has threatened to take as it is unable to respond to the next wave of tariffs, with US merchandise imports reaching only $ 130 billion of dollars.

A majority of companies say they are already feeling the wrath of Beijing, signaling an increase in inspections and regulatory controls as well as a slowdown in customs clearance.

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