US envoy to Estonia retired from frustration with Trump: report


United States Ambassador to Estonia, James Melville, will retire from the State Department next month, a move he allegedly provoked by Donald Trump's mockeries and the Treatment reserved for European allies

of NATO allies from July 11 to 12, clouded by Trump's claims that Europe exploits the United States by under spending on defense.

The US Embassy in Tallinn said that the career diplomat would retire after three years. Estonia at the end of July

But in a private article on Facebook, Melville said the frustration with Trump's barbed wire had allowed him to decide "that it was time to" To go there. "

The NATO alliance was "as bad as NAFTA" – a North American trade agreement that he threatened to tear up.

"The DNA of an outside service officer is programmed to support the policy and we are trained from the start, if ever there comes a time when we can not do it anymore, especially if one is in a position of leadership, the honorable course is to resign, "said Melville's post, according to the magazine

Presidents and 11 state secretaries, I did not never really thought that it would reach me, "said Melville, who spent 33 years in the diplomatic service.

"For the president to say that the EU was" set up to take the advantage of the United States, attack our piggy bank, or that "NATO is as bad as the # NAFTA "is not only wrong, but proves me that it's time to go," he wrote in his article.

– Cooperation Disintegrates –

Urmas Paet, a former Estonian Foreign Minister and Member of the European Parliament, wrote in a press release that Melville's resignation is "another example of people who have decades to build the relationship between Europe and the United States being unable to withstand the force with which T "

Another Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marina Kaljurand, told the public broadcaster ERR that the planned departure from Melville had been known for a year, but he decided to resign a little earlier than planned.] 19659012] "From a human point of view, I can perfectly understand that it is very difficult or almost impossible to represent a country when you do not share one's opinions, when you have to say what you think is wrong, "said Kaljurand.

" And I think that he behaved in a very I'm honest and honest. "

Also on Friday night, Susan Thornton, a career diplomat, who Trump had hired as assistant secretary for East Asian affairs, said she retired, according to CNN.

Melville's announcement follows the resignation of several other senior officials with Trump's administration, including US ambassador to Panama John Feeley and Elizabeth Shackelford, a prominent US diplomat. He was based in Nairobi.

The Trump administration did not hesitate to dismiss the ambassadors of its predecessor, but delayed in filling the diplomatic list.

His First Secretary of State, former oil executive Rex Tillerson, collided Tillerson has now been replaced by former CIA chief Mike Pompeo, who promised to bring back a bit of "fanaticism" to American diplomacy and now the pace of nominations has resumed

Urmas Paet, photographed in 2014 while he was Foreign Minister of Estonia, said that the President American Donald Trump "is breaking off cooperation in the democratic world"

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