US flagtower frying pan flag torn by Florence on auction


The American flag that drew national attention when it was torn on a live camera during Hurricane Florence is being auctioned today and offers are already in the thousands.

The images of the flag refusing to surrender to the wind gusts of the storm represented "who we are as America," said owner Richard Neal to McClatchy's reporter Matt Martinez as Hurricane Florence approached the coast .

Neal, a Charlottene, owns the Frying Pan Tower lighthouse where the flag flew during the storm. He says that 100% of the money raised from the auction will go to the American Red Cross and its relief efforts.

The auction started Thursday at 10 dollars and reached $ 3,350 Friday morning, according to eBay. More than 70 bidders have been involved so far, says the site. The sale ends at 22 hours. Sunday.

The flag, which is currently in Charlotte, has received several nicknames as it was observed by thousands of people during the storm, including "The Hurricane Florence Flag" and, oddly, "Kevin," said Neal in a message on Facebook.

The country's media presented articles on the slow disappearance of the flag on live television during the height of Hurricane Florence.

Veterans' groups complained of the sight of a torn flag flapping in the wind was a sign of disrespect, reported McClatchy, while others came to admire the image as a challenge.

"This flag is an excellent representation of the American spirit," said Grady McCoy, vice president of Flag and Banner, Martinez. "For me, it says" that too will pass ", that we will get through."

According to an article published in May 2018 in the Charlotte Observer, Richard Neal has owned Frying Pan Tower since 2010, when he paid $ 75,000 for the former Coast Guard lighthouse. He put the tower up for sale in May but retained majority control of the site.

It is now a bed and breakfast inn, operated by Neal and its partners.

The tower was built in 1964 to warn ships passing the shallow shoals of Frying and it was run by the Coast Guard until 1979, when the beacon was automated, reported the company. ;observer.

GPS navigation technology has finally made the tower obsolete, Neal told the observer.

Mark Award: 704-358-5245, @markprice_obs

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