US futures indicate optimism amid trade friction between US and China


Investors around the world are still in the hot seat early in the new week, with fears over the past few days affecting market sentiment. Last Friday, President Donald Trump spoke to Air Force One reporters, saying he was ready to hit China with $ 267 billion in additional tariffs.

The US administration is already studying the possibility of finalizing plans that would impose $ 200 billion tariffs on Chinese products, after the expiry of a public comment period last week.

Investors will keep an eye on the United States. relationship with other major economies to come. Canada and the United States have not yet concluded a final agreement to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); meanwhile, last Friday, Trump told reporters that the United States and Japan had begun trade talks; Reuters reported.

With little economic data expected Monday, investors should continue to digest employment figures last Friday, which allowed the economy to add 201,000 jobs over the past month. could be the next step.

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