US medical organizations denounce US position on breastfeeding


Leading medical organizations this week criticized the position taken by the US government at a UN General Assembly earlier this year, aimed at countering a resolution calling on all governments of the United Nations World to Protect, Promote and Support The story first appeared in The New York Times and was based on numerous interviews of many assembly participants who alleged that the United States was in the United States. Opposed to breastfeeding. the resolution encourages breastfeeding and has attempted to intimidate other countries to abandon them as well. The United States has also threatened to cut funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), says the report; Currently, it is the largest donor that provides 15% of the contributions.

The UN resolution was finally passed, with the support of the United States, but only after the Russian government reintroduced it using an amended text. Successfully eliminate the WHO's call for WHO's help to countries that are trying to prevent "the inappropriate promotion of infant and young foods." children "and add the phrase" evidence-based "to certain provisions.

York Times report in his own inimitable way.

"The history of breastfeeding within the NY Times Fake today, which fails, must be launched. The United States strongly supports breastfeeding, but we do not believe Not that many women need this option because of malnutrition and poverty, "he tweeted Monday night.

According to experts, the president lacks knowledge about the history of marketing infant formula to women. "Malnutrition and poverty are the precise parameters where you absolutely must breastfeed," tweeted Michele Barry, MD, director of the Center for Global Health Innovation, Stanford School of Medicine, California.

"Access to clean and safe water to replenish powdered preparations is often impossible to find" in such contexts, Barry told the New York Times in a follow-up story released Tuesday.

Barry also said that the poorest women in richer countries could dilute expensive formula to make it last longer, potentially leading to nutritional deficits in the child.

Medical organizations retaliate

After the initial report in the New York Times Monday, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and a number The American Public Health Association (APHA) tweeted: "The United States opposition to the UN's resolution on breastfeeding challenges evidence and public health practice . "

ACOG tweeted that "supports efforts to educate patients about the benefits and mechanics of breastfeeding and encourages health care providers, nurses and government support agencies to remain strong advocates of breastfeeding. "

The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that breastfeeding is the optimal source of nutrition during the first year of life," said Dr. American Academy of Pediatrics The company tweeted and linked in its own opinion detailing how breastfeeding benefits the baby's immune system.

Meanwhile, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) said in his tweet: "The AAFP recommends that all babies be breastfed and

ACOG and PAA Presidents join forces

In addition, Colleen Kraft, MD, President of AAP, e Lisa Hollier, MD, president of ACOG, joined forces and wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times that appeared today.

"World Health Assembly discussions reveal that mothers still lack the support they need for" Breastfeeding provides protection against infections in the newborn, the infant and the child, allergies, asthma, inflammatory diseases and sudden infant death syndrome. The benefits of breastfeeding extend into adulthood, with lower rates of obesity, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. , he writes

. They then address the issue of policies that can help women breastfeed.

"Helping mothers to breastfeed takes a multidimensional approach, including the advancement of public policies like paid family leave, access to quality child care, breaks and a place other than just a family." a bathroom to express the milk.

And finally, they insist on urging the United States and all countries to protect, promote and support breastfeeding for the health of all women, children and families. "

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