US midterm elections: A guide to everything you need to know


President Donald Trump is not the ballot, but the results will be a referendum on the polarizing US leader, his policies and the Republican politicians who have tied their fortunes to his. President Trump could have more power in Washington by the end of Election Day.
The elections are on Tuesday, November 6, 2008, but about 40% of ballots were cast before Election Day in 2016.

Here's everything you need to know about the US midterm elections.

What are the US midterm elections?

You're familiar with US presidential elections, which are held every four years and are the most closely watched political contests in the world. But another slew of elections – House and Senate races, governors' races – are held in the middle of the President's term, hence the word "midterms." All 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be voted on during the midterms, because members run every two years. Thirty-five seats in the 100-member Senate (members serve six-year terms) are on the ballot this year as well. So are the governorships in 36 states.

Why so much interest in an election that does not involve picking a president?

There's a lot at stake for President Trump. The party that ends up in control of the President's life and has a nightmare during the last two years of his term.

Which political parties are involved?

Officially, a bunch of them, but really in America, every election comes to a royal battle between just two parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. For much of its history, the US has had two dominant parties for the White House and seats in Congress. This is primarily because of the American elections, it's winner-takes-all for each seat. In a few countries with parliamentary systems, they may have a certain proportion of the overall vote and may vote in the coalition. Not so here.

And if you've ever wondered why do you have an elephant symbol and Democrats have a donkey, here's why: political cartoons.

Political cartoonist Thomas Nast popularized elephants for the GOP way back in 1874, when he used the jumbo-sized pet to depict the GOP vote in a drawing in Harper's Weekly. Democrat Andrew Jackson started with a donkey in his presidential campaign ads in 1828, after his critics started calling him a "jackass" for his populist views. Years later, Nast drew a donkey in another political cartoon and, voila, a Democratic symbol was born.

What are some of the top issues in this election?

Health care, the economy and immigration. That trio of issues – in which order – is what is on polling minds? Immigration, just like it was in 2016, is a particularly big driver for Republican voters. They have responded positively to President Trump 's calls for immigration and the desire to immigrate to the US border.

What does this mean for the rest of the world?

The results of the midterms will be able to change the position of President Trump. A strong showing for Republicans would give the impression that Trump has a firm grip on his country, making the President and his "America First" agenda look reaffirmed on the world stage. Trump would be more forcefully pushing the US and NATO allies. And he might challenge the Chinese more forcefully on economic trade issues or territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
If the Democrats take the House, the Senate or both, Trump would look a lot weaker. His administration could be virtually paralyzed by the Democrats are expected to bring back their power. Trump's counterparts in other world capitals, from Moscow to Paris, would be emboldened to further their own self-interests at the expense of the American President with preoccupied problems at home.


This election is a referendum on the current occupant of the White House. Depending on what we decide to do with Congress, Trump may approach the last two years of his life.

So what happens if …

… the Republicans win the House and Senate?

Trump would be emboldened. He would say, once again, that he and his party proved the pollsters wrong. The threat of new House or Senate investigations into its administration would be greatly reduced. Trump and his party would push for money on the wallet; completely dismantling Obamacare and perhaps a second tax cut. And a GOP-controlled Senate would confirm more conservative judges to the federal bench – which may end up being Trump's biggest legacy.

… the Democrats win the House and Senate?

This would be the nightmare scenario for Trump. The Democrats would take full advantage of the "checks and balances" of the Constitution. A Democratic Senate might force Trump to nominate more middle-of-the-road judges, and his "Make America Great Again" agenda would be dead in the water in the House.

… the Democrats win the House and the Republicans keep the Senate?

This legislative mix is ​​considered the most likely result of the midterms. But there are still areas where the two sides can get things done together. A lot of House Democrats represent districts that are close to Trump's position on trade, so some political deals could get done there. Trump's proposed replacement for NAFTA, which is likely to vote on next year, will be a good test of this under a split scenario.


What are some of the branded breeds? And will history be made?

There's a good chance they could make a historic win on election night. And three gubernatorial races could be a trio of African-American candidates in the governor's mansions of three states for the first time. Democrat Ben Jealous faces an uphill battle against incumbent GOP Gov. Larry Hogan in Maryland, Goal Democrats Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum are in competitive contests.

What happens immediately after the midterms?

After the election, there will be a so-called duck session in Congress, which starts in mid-November. These lawmakers will deal with some pretty big issues – especially with a showdown. The new Congress convenes in January.

Design: Will Mullery, Joyce Tseng and Henrik Pettersson.

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