US Move To Abolish H-4 Visa Work Permits To Impact Over 70,000 Indians


H-4 visa is issued to the spouse of H-1B visa holders, a significant large number of whom are Indians.


Abandoning the Obama-era vis-à-vis H-4 visa holders – who are spouses of professionals holding H-1B visas, mostly Indians – will benefit some US workers, the Department of Homeland Security believes.

The Trump administration is planning to make a decision that makes it easier for people to work in the United States.

H-4 visa is issued to the spouse of H-1B visa holders, a significant large number of high-skilled professionals from India. Obama administration in 2015.

The move to the rule could have an impact on more than 70,000 H-4 visa holders, who have work permits.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in its Unified Fall Agenda.

The DHS said it would not be possible to do so early in the day.

The DHS, which has already been released from the list of the necessary notification, said in its diary that it was on its way to remove H-4 dependent spouses from getting work authorization.

In its agenda, the DHS said that it would be of primary importance that it can estimate and quantify.

First, the cost-savings will be increased for the future by certain H-4 dependent spouses, and the labor turnover of employees may be reduced when their employees' employment authorizations are terminated.

"Some US workers would benefit from having a better chance at obtaining jobs than some of the population of the H-4 workers currently hold," he said. "It said.

As of December 25, 2017, US Citizenship and Immigration Services had approved 126,853 applications for employment authorization for H-4 visa holders.

These count all approvals since May 2015 when the rule was implemented. This number includes 90,946 initial approvals, 35,219 renewals, and 688 replacements for lost cards.

Last month, two powerful Democratic women Senators – Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand – Hams and Killers – Hams and Shoulders .

"Preventing women from engaging in employment can lead to isolation, depression, anxiety, feelings of guilt, and a loss of self-worth.

"Increased isolation – coupled with complete financial dependence – they can not get rid of dangerous, and they can not," they wrote.

However, the release of the Unified Fall Agenda shows that the Trump administration is on track to undo the H-4 marriage work authorization decision taken by the Obama administration.

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