US officials to meet with Mexico's elected president in a modest house


Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Tuesday that he would meet with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other senior US officials this week in his offices, located in a modest house with little security.

On July 1, Homeland Security Secretary-General Kirstjen Nielsen, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Presidential Advisor Jared Kushner during their visit to Mexico, announced Friday that he would return to Mexico. We thank President Donald Trump for his respectful attitude and his interest in reaching an understanding between the peoples and governments of Mexico and the United States, "said Lopez Obrador at a press conference in the US court. the great house of Mexico City

The politician known as "AMLO", who took office on December 1, acknowledged that the house was an unusual place to host high-level dignitaries.

"My office is right behind us. This is not very big because the next government does not want ostentatious offices. We will put an end to the paraphernalia of power. It will be a simple government, "said Lopez Obrador, who also pledged not to use the presidential residence or jet and wants to halve his own salary

Lopez Obrador chose the foreign minister, the minister of foreign affairs. former mayor of Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard, He added that the transitional team would be responsible for security inside the house during the meeting.

They are in talks with the services Mexican and American security officials on more general security preparations.

Lopez Obrador raised his eyebrows, using a minimum of security in his offices in the trendy area of ​​Rome, and admirers regularly contacted him for help. offer hugs and congratulations or ask him for help.

Lopez Obrador said his future ministers of finance, economy and security meeting, as well as his choice to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Pompeo will also meet separately with incumbent President Enrique Pe na Nieto during the one-day visit

US-Mexican relations have been strained by Trump's anti-immigration and anti-immigration policies [19659011]. Despite their ideological differences, Lopez Obrador and Trump both seemed eager

The Republican president said that they had had a "big" first phone call after the election, and the elected president – who has promised on the electoral track to "put (Trump) in his place" – has repeatedly stated that the tone was "respectful".

Mexico's President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (R), with his choice for Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, announcing the visit of senior US officials

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