US report on trafficking highlights children's vulnerability


WASHINGTON – Children abducted from their families and placed in institutions are at greater risk of being trafficked, the United States warned on Thursday in a report Annual

which ranks governments in their efforts to combat slavery and the carnal trade, has left Trump 's administration open to accusations of hypocrisy while the policy of slavery and slavery has not been met. "zero tolerance" immigration from the administration has separated more than 2,000 migrant children from their parents. 19659007] The Trafficking in Persons Report was unveiled at a State Department ceremony by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Presidential Advisor Ivanka Trump

"Our Commitment to Combat the Human trafficking is incredibly strong, "he said." The world should know that we will not stop until we know that human trafficking is a thing of the past. "

Ivanka Trump attended the ceremony and presented awards to persons recognized for helping to combat human trafficking

Among the countries demoted to "rank 3", the lowest rank was Myanmar, Also known as Burma, the report cited its military operations in the Rakhine State that forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas to flee to Bangladesh, China, North Korea, and China. Iran are among the other countries having the st atut "Tier 3"

Level 3 countries may be sanctioned by sanctions, including denial of non-humanitarian assistance and assistance. Bank. The President retains the power to waive sanctions in the US national interest or if the sanctions could have a negative effect on vulnerable populations. The countries with the worst designation have often benefited from such exemptions

The United States is ranked as one of the countries that most effectively combats trafficking in human beings.

In a long article on the detrimental effects of the institutionalization of children, that "the removal of a child from the family should be considered only as a temporary last resort."

Children held in "government-run institutions may be easy targets for traffickers" because of the "physical and psychological effects of the stay". According to the report, [traduction]

The Trump administration recently reduced the "zero tolerance" policy that separated more than 2,300 migrant families. After the general outcry over politics, President Donald Trump has temporarily halted the practice of dividing families on the border and suing parents and guardians, but government officials say the policy remains intact. and the traffic report, a senior state department official said the report released Thursday covers the events of April 1, 2017, until the end of March 2018. The administration began to Apply the Zero Tolerance Policy in May of this year. The official added that the report describes ways in which all countries, including those listed in the upper tier, can improve.

Human rights defenders said that the administration should follow its own advice. The department deserves to be commended for its comprehensive and eloquent exposition on the horrors of the institutionalization of children, "said John Sifton, director of advocacy at Human Rights Watch." We urge officials of the House Blanche and the Department of Homeland Security read this section as part of their treatment procedures for asylum seekers and other people seeking to enter the United States, "he added, of the countries identified as recruiting and Using child soldiers by government forces or armed groups lined up with the government.Iran and Iraq have also been added to the list this year, potentially subjecting their government to restrictions on the government. 39, security assistance and commercial licenses of military equipment.

Thailand, which has been the subject of worldwide surveillance for use of from a checklist at level 2. The report cited his convictions of traffickers and accomplices, including 11 involved in the smuggling of Rohingya migrants

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