US Special Forces allegedly hired to assassinate Yemeni politicians


US mercenaries – some of whom were former special operators of the Army Special Forces, SEAL Team 6 and the CIA – were hired by the United Arab Emirates in 2015 to take part in a "program". targeted killings in Yemen, "according to BuzzFeed. News survey published today.

  • According to the report, the contractors were employed by Spear Operations Group LLC, a company registered in Delaware and founded by "Abraham Golan, a Hungarian and charismatic Israeli security contractor who lives outside of Pittsburgh".
  • In talks with BuzzFeed, the Golan described the mission as a "targeted assassination program in Yemen," adding that "I was leading it, we have done it, it has been approved by the United Arab Emirates. within the coalition ".
  • In 2015, contractors from the Golan-led group reportedly attempted to assassinate Anssaf Ali Mayo, leader of an Islamist political party in Yemen. Until now, it was unknown that the mission was carried out by American mercenaries.
  • Among the group's mercenaries, one was a former CIA member, another was a special forces sergeant from the Maryland Army National Guard, and two were former members of the CIA. Navy SEAL, one of whom would be in the reserve and a veteran of the SEAL team. 6, according toBuzzFeed. The remaining members were mostly former French foreign legionnaires, according to BuzzFeed.
  • Golan, the group's founder, claimed to have studied in France, to have served in the French Foreign Legion, and to have fought with superiors – although his background and military service could not be verified by BuzzFeed, according to sources close to him the news site that he was "subject to exaggeration", but "for crazy shit, he is the kind of guy you hire".
  • Although the CIA apparently has no information on Spear's operations group missions in Yemen, and that the command of Navy Special Warfare refused to comment on the BuzzFeed report, the press channel spoke to a former manager who previously worked in the United Arab Emirates. Thus, Americans would be allowed to participate in such programs. They will simply recall: "Some guys basically did what you said," adding that the mercenaries were "almost like a deadly squad," reported BuzzFeed.
  • The legal ramifications of the so-called program are unclear. According to US law, it is illegal to "conspire to kill, kidnap, injure" someone in another country, and companies providing military services to foreign countries are regulated by the state department, who told BuzzFeed that he "never gave a company the power to provide combat troops or mercenaries to another country".
  • Yet, the rules do not explicitly prohibit mercenaries – as evidenced by the dozens of Americans serving overseas alongside foreign armed forces with few legal consequences. Spear Operations Group has reportedly arranged for the UAE to assign military rank to Americans participating in operations in Yemen, which could provide legal protection.
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