Vader Immortal is a new Star Wars series coming to Oculus next year


At Oculus Connect, Industrial Light and Magic took the floor to announce a new project aimed squarely at Star Wars fans. Vader Immortal, a launch title of the new Oculus Quest headset, will tell a new story in the Star Wars universe in the meantime The revenge of the Sith and New hope. It arrives in 2019 and is described as an "experience" of VR rather than a game or anything like that.

"The very first conversations around this project began three years ago, around the launch of ILMxLAB," said Mohen Leo in an interview with the official Star Wars website. "Lucasfilm was in production on Thief A. In the film, the audience will have a glimpse of Darth Vader Castle on Mustafar, which, we knew, would intrigue a lot of fans. It was also at the time that some of the first really compelling contents of the Oculus DK2, the development kit that preceded the Oculus Rift, came out. We recognized that virtual reality has the unique ability to transport people to a place of fiction and let them explore it. So, we thought, "Would not it be cool to let the public visit and explore the Vader Castle, and have the opportunity to learn some of its secrets?"

The technology follows in the footsteps of Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay, in which Oculus players fought against General Leia. It is written by David S. Goyer, who also works on the VR experience, Secrets of the Empire. And despite what you might assume, Vader Immortal will be part of the official Star Wars canon.

Oculus Quest is the next iteration of Oculus hardware, with full motion and tracking controls. Quest is a stand-alone VR set like the Go, but it's optimized for PC and mobile games, unlike the Go's mobile focus. It will cost $ 400 – the same price as the Oculus Rift – next spring.

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