Van Dyke's verdict remains peaceful; CPD says that no arrests have been made



A group of protesters gathered in court on Friday after Jason Van Dyke was convicted of second degree murder in Laquan McDonald's death.

WATCH: Protesters close streets in downtown Chicago after Van Dyke verdict

Van Dyke was also convicted of 16 aggravated battery charges with a gun, a charge for every shot fired on McDonald's. He was found not guilty of official misconduct.

At around 4 pm, protesters reached Michigan Avenue and headed north, blocking traffic. Police prevented the protest from moving further north than Wacker Drive. The crowd then headed west on Wacker towards Wabash Avenue and stopped in front of Trump Tower.

At 5:15 pm, the protesters stopped all traffic at the intersection of Ontario and Michigan Avenue and chanted: "It does not stop there."

At 6 pm, the demonstrations were largely dispelled. CPD officials said the nearly four-hour demonstration was peaceful and that there had been no arrest.

WATCH: CPD officials speak at Friday's protests

Earlier in the afternoon, a group congratulated the jury for the verdict. Some said that although previous statements indicated that they would not be satisfied with a first degree murder conviction, they were satisfied with the decision because every aggravated battery charge was punishable by 39, a minimum sentence of six years imprisonment.

Other demonstrators expressed frustration that Van Dyke was not convicted of first degree murder.

Outside the town hall, a group of protesters chanted "16 shots", which provoked the reaction, "guilty".

Protesters said they hoped to see Van Dyke go to jail for the rest of his life.

WATCH: Jason Van Dyke in custody

"It means to me that I can go home and talk to my son about what Chicago is trying to do to hold police officers accountable … I'm happy for Chicago to have made this verdict," he said. declared a mother.

WATCH: verdict read in Jason Van Dyke's lawsuit

In anticipation of the verdict, the Chicago police were required to work 12-hour shifts and the days off were canceled.

Alderman John Arena, from the 45th constituency, said that many police officers lived in his riding and that he believed the verdict was right.

"I think the majority of officers are part of the justice system and they hope this is considered a fair, very long process … If we accept that the system works, then it's a just decision, "said Arena.

Officials Respond to Van Dyke's Verdict

In a joint statement, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department Eddie Johnson said:

"In recent weeks, a jury has heard testimony, weighed evidence and examined the facts of the Van Dyke case.Today, the jury has delivered its verdict.While we absorb their decision, Let us continue to hear and associate with each other – as public servants, police and members of the public – and make sure that our collective mission lasts for generations to come.We come from many neighborhoods, from many backgrounds and many places in the world, it's our home, it's the city we love, we've heard this message many times over the last days and weeks in the basement of the church, community meetings and the residents of our neighborhoods Our collective work is not done The effort to bring about lasting reforms and restore trust between residents and the police must continue vigorously. "

Governor Bruce Rauner tweeted in response to the verdict, asking the public to respect the jury's decision.

In a statement released Friday, the Order of the Illinois Fraternal Police expressed anger at the jury.

"It was a day I never thought I would see in America, where 12 ordinary citizens were fooled into trying to save the backs of selfish politicians at the expense of a dedicated civil servant.This sham trial and shameful verdict is a message sent to all of you, law enforcement officer in America that you do not have to worry about the author in front of you, it is the political agents who stab you in the back, "reads the statement. "What policeman would still want to be proactive in fighting crime after this disgusting masquerade, and are law-abiding citizens willing to pay the price?"

Kevin Graham, president of the Fraternal Police Order, held a press conference after reading the verdict.

"What this says is that we do not understand your work and the sacrifices you make," he said about the verdict. "Things in town will be quiet tonight, and we think Jason has a hard way to go, but he's not alone." The Order of the Fraternal Police is alongside the officer . "

Graham added that not all CPD officers he spoke to thought that Van Dyke should have been convicted.

The Illinois ACLU issued a statement Friday calling for further work on the reform of CPD practices. The declaration reads as follows:

"Jason Van Dyke has been held responsible by a jury for having shot Laquan McDonald 16 times and for having killed him unnecessarily.Laquan McDonald should still be alive today." We continue to cry for the McDonald family and the wider community, who lost this young man too soon.We also remember the many families who lost loved ones as a result of excessive force from police officers who did not not yet obtained justice, which is disproportionate in the city: 96% of the people killed by the Chicago police are Blacks or Latinos.the conviction of this individual officer repairs the problems of maintenance of order – nor to Neither in Chicago nor in our country.Although Mr. Van Dyke is held accountable for his actions, it is vital that the rest of us do not yet turn a blind eye to the Chicago Police Department. verdict, no community should be a victim of abuse or neglect. The Illinois ACLU remains committed to working with its community partners to repair the failed system that caused excessive force and rendered the kind of responsibility we see today so rare. We must continue to follow the CPD reforms that the video of his actions has helped to catalyze and that must bring about a systemic change in the way police officers serve the people of Chicago. "

In a statement, Father Michael Pfleger said:

"Today, we have done justice to Laquan McDonald, and a score to Justice in Chicago, we thank God for the victory! We pray for the family, for the conscience of the jury and for all those who walked, protested and fought Celebrate today, we need a victory, because tomorrow the fight continues.

We must reform the police service and the judicial system. Tomorrow, we continue to fight for equality, fairness and justice in the south and west of Chicago. We have also warned all elected officials that our vote can not be bought, but must be earned by proposing and delivering ideas, policies and concrete actions to equalize opportunities in Chicago and end the story of two cities . "

WATCH: P. Michael Pfleger responds to Van Dyke's verdict

Reverend Jesse Jackson also issued a statement Friday and demanded that officers who helped conceal the shots be punished.

Laquan McDonald was abducted from his family and sent to his grave almost four years ago. Today, his killer, Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, has been abducted from his family and is expected to spend years in a prison cell.

"The evidence was overwhelming, and the jury did justice, but Van Dyke should not do it alone, and those who have hidden the recordings for 400 days should take responsibility for it." The police who lied on the scene should be The role of the fraternal police order should be investigated

The mayoral candidate, Bill Daley, called the verdict a "new start" for Chicago and called for a new commitment to the city's safety.
"This puts an end to a tragic and painful episode in our history, but must also mark a new beginning for our city," said Daley in a statement released Friday. "This is a time when Chicago needs to come together, strive to restore trust between the community and the police and commit again to making each neighborhood safer and stronger."

The mayoral candidate, Lori Lightfoot, also released a statement Friday in which she hoped the verdict would represent a turning point for Chicago.

"It's a milestone in Chicago's history. Contrary to the national trend that juries almost always acquitted police officers on criminal charges, this jury found powerful and compelling evidence, like many Chicagoans since Laquan McDonald's A tragic death. I congratulate the members of the jury for being acquitted of their civic duty in such a difficult environment, "said the Lightfoot release." I hope this decision will mark not only a milestone, but also a turning point. . We must pray for Laquan McDonald and his family, as well as for all the people in our city who are victims of trauma and violence, and we must all work tirelessly to build a Chicago where all can find justice and peace. "

The mayoral candidate, Dr. Willie Wilson, issued a statement Friday that supported the jury's decision and called for the protests to remain peaceful.

First, my prayers go to the McDonald's and Van Dyke families, "Wilson said in his statement. It's a tragedy. The McDonald family has lost his young son, a brother, and his potential is extinguished to never be known. Justice has been rendered … Allow your voice to be heard. Express your opinion. Hold your protests. In all, I call every action to be a peaceful, respectful and nonviolent expression. I call the police to show restraint and respect and to show no form of retaliation at the moment. We need hope for our city and we need change. "

In a statement, Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza said:

"Today, our legal system has done its job." A jury delivered a verdict that held the agent Jason Van Dyke responsible for the murder of Laquan McDonald.The tragic events of that fatal night tore up our Yet, even in its darkest moments, Chicago, a city of courage and resolve, faith and family, has shown its ability to come together, heal its broken heart and move forward. others today, more than ever before, to remain united as a family, all of us and work to heal our great city. The time has come to rebuild trust between the police and communities, broken down since then. decades. Finally, I want to express my sincere condolences to Laquan McDonald's family and hope that today's verdict can help bring them some peace and justice. "

In a statement, the Chicago police said it was ready to consider the Van Dyke case when the suspension was lifted.

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