Cheryl Phillips, coordinator of the St. Joseph Mercy Sanitary Station in Canton
Junfu Han, Detroit Free Press

They do it in the school toilets. In the locker room. In hallways and on school grounds. The most brazen of students? They do it in the classrooms.

They vaporize – inhale the vapor of electronic cigarettes that often contain highly addictive nicotine, attracted by devices easy to hide from adults and by flavors such as mango, crème brûlée, mint and nectar.

The most recent data shows that 3 million school-aged children – including more than 600,000 middle school students – have tried vaping. Many fear that this could be a gateway to stronger substances, such as regular cigarettes or marijuana.

For many teenagers, this is the last way to look and feel cool. Go to YouTube and you'll find many videos of young people talking about vaping, being paused for vaping or giving lessons on vaping tips – like making O with steam. It is now the most used tobacco product among young people.

Parents, often, are in the dark – cheated in part by devices that look like everyday objects such as flash drives and pens. Many have never heard of vaping – or JUULing, as is commonly known in adolescents.

More: 5 things parents need to know about vaping

"This is a very big problem," said John Sobah, a 16-year-old junior at Chippewa Valley High School in Clinton Township and a member of a teens council that educates students about the dangers of vaping and addiction. "I've seen a lot of people smoking … it's happening in all schools."

It is becoming more and more an enemy of school administrators, who reinforce their policies and treat students who get caught with cigarettes, as well as students caught with ordinary cigarettes. Many use outside experts to educate students and parents, while others create their own prevention programs. In some districts of the country, school authorities removed toilet doors to discourage students from vaping.

And it is the experts who are worried about the effects of the products on the health of teenagers.

There is already data showing that in addition to using the devices to evacuate nicotine, young people are using them to evacuate marijuana.

The head of the US Food and Drug Administration recently said that the use of vaping among young people was an epidemic, threatened to crack down on companies that target their products to young people and launched a campaign to reduce it l & # 39; use. The Surgeon General of the United States, in a 2016 report, said it was a major public health problem.

Cheryl Phillips has been teaching Vaping 101 courses to students and parents in local schools since January. During sessions with parents, she takes out vaping devices so that adults can become familiar with them.

"Again and again, we heard that the first time a parent heard about vaping was when they received a call from the school saying that their student was suspended because they had been found with children. accessories, "explained Phillips. as coordinator of St. Joseph Mercy Canton Health Center's health exploration station.

The data show the scope of the problem:

  • A study conducted in 2017 by researchers at the University of Michigan found that nearly 17% of high school students had dropped out of school in the last 30 days. For Grade 10 students, this percentage was 13% and 7% for Grade 8 students. Both sets of numbers were up from the previous year, when a similar but not identical question had been asked in the Monitoring the Future study.
  • In the same study, 11% of Grade 12 students reported using nicotine sprays in the last 30 days compared to 8.2% for Grade 10 students and 3.5% for Grade 8 students.
  • The study also found that 4.9% of Grade 12 students had used marijuana in the previous 30 days, compared to 4.3% of Grade 10 students and 1.6% of students. eighth grade.
  • A 2015 national survey on youth smoking concluded that 3 million young people – 2.4 million high school students and 620,000 college students – were using electronic cigarettes.
  • According to the National Youth Smoking Survey, 16% of high school students consumed e-cigarettes, up from 1.5% in 2011.
  • A 2017 study published in the journal Pediatrics found that young people who use electronic cigarettes are seven times more likely to smoke.

Kids vape, but I do not understand the consequences

In 2015, the UM survey asked students why they used electronic cigarettes. The most popular answers among high school students: experiment and see what it is, because it 's good, because they' re bored and that 's n'. have nothing else to do, relax or unwind and have a good time with their friends.

The attitudes of the students worry the experts.

"There is a great misconception about the dangers of this," said Phillips. "When he first appeared and that he became trendy, the students really thought that it was the water vapor that they were breathing and that it was there was nothing wrong with that and that there was nothing wrong with that. "

Reality? Phillips and others say that while more research is needed, "we know that many of the chemicals in the vape juice and vaping by-products are generally dangerous to the human body."

Some products contain as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes, but all electronic cigarettes do not contain nicotine. Many, however, contain harmful substances, according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The website of the US Surgeon General states that in addition to nicotine, electronic cigarettes may contain "ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs", "flavors such as diacetyl" heavy metals , such as nickel, tin and lead. "

Electronic cigarettes initially targeted smokers to help them quit smoking. A report published in January by the National Academy of Medicine indicates that the use of the electronic cigarette presents "less risk to a person than combustible tobacco cigarettes".

But high school and high school students have been particularly concerned that their brains are still developing and will continue to grow in their twenties.

"When you have teenage brains that are work-in-progress – using any substance, be it nicotine, marijuana or alcohol, you will have effects, "said Charlene McGunn, Executive Director of the and Families, a partnership between the community and schools in the Chippewa Valley. Sobah is a member of the Coalition's Teen Council.

"The FDA announcement has been long in coming because large companies have been targeting youth for a long time now, and the increase in youth smoking is really an epidemic," McGunn said.

In the meantime, there is concern that nicotine in many products will result in an increase in cigarette smoking among teens as well as addicted teens. This is already being felt among children who are vaping. Those who have the audacity to escape to class are not necessarily willing to take risks.

"It's also due to nicotine addiction," Phillips said. "They can not go all day without taking a shot."

FDA puts the foot on the ground

The FDA, in its crackdown, specifically targets five companies whose products – JUUL, Vuse, MarkTenXL, Blu and Logic – have become popular with young people. In letters to these companies, Scott Gottlieb, commissioner of the federal agency, said the FDA "is evaluating our regulatory tools to deal with this worrying and accelerating trend."

This summer, the FDA conducted a "blitz of retailer enforcement across the country and found that many of them were violating federal laws on tobacco products – including electronic cigarettes – from minors.

"It's unacceptable, both legally and in terms of public health," Gottlieb said in one of the letters sent to manufacturers.

Michigan is the only state in the country without a book law that prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes – and other vaping devices – to minors, Phillips said. Legislation has been proposed in recent years, but it has never been enacted into law. This means that the federal law applies, but Mr. Phillips said that it has its limits because, although it prohibits the sale of electronic cigarette products to minors, it does not prevent the possession of vaping products .by minors. She said some Michigan municipalities have updated their local ordinances to include such a ban.

But, "in townships and cities where there is no law on its use, a 15-year-old could be seated on a bench with a vape and technically, the police can not do anything, "said Phillips.

Students get their hands on devices in different ways, including buying for them over 18 or ordering online.

"We encourage parents to monitor their children's purchases (online)," said Nicole Carter, director of Novi High School. "Many parents have accounts that students can access. For some parents … they never really made connections between the funds available for their child and the use of these funds to buy something that they should not. "

Schools fight back with education

In Novi High, students caught dealing with disciplinary consequences may include suspension. Carter said his school had brought Phillips to talk to students and parents earlier this year after noticing increased use not only in Novi High but "in schools in the region and the country."

The staff is able to detect fumes, partly because of the telltale signs of the most popular products with fruity aromas.

"If you go into the restroom or walk down the halls and smell something fruity, that's an indication," Carter said.

There are other ways that students try to hide.

"They are very daring when it comes to this because it is very discreet and easy to get rid of your vape and blow steam in your jacket or shirt and nobody knows you did it", said Phillips.

Classmates, Carter said, have also stepped up their efforts – sometimes warning an adult if they catch someone smoking.

"It has been helpful that it's not just adults who share their concerns," Carter said.

The public schools in Dearborn are working with several community agencies to educate students and parents on substance prevention, and will soon be adding special sessions on vaping, said Danene Charles, coordinator of Affective Education. practices.

"The sooner we become proactive, the more we will change course in terms of the decision not to use it," said Charles.

Sobah, the teenager of the Chippewas Valley, is part of a teenage council that regularly talks to young people about the dangers of spraying. The coalition itself has produced its own program – targeting students as young as fifth grade, McGunn said.

"They start college," McGunn said. "It's a phenomenon that has all the potential to become even bigger than it is."

In addition to its student programs, the coalition has also organized events for parents and recently sent postcards containing information about vaping to about 6,500 households. In a few weeks, the coalition plans to make its programming available on a larger scale.

Sobah said he took part in training students on vaping, addiction and mental disorders because he heard of too many students promised a promising future who threw everything out because drug.

"Many people do not really believe us" about vaping, he said. "They are like, I do it all the time." But you have kids who say, "Oh, it's really bad." "

Rane Claypool, 17, is also a member of the Coalition's Teen Council. An elderly person in Chippewa Valley High said that too many of her peers considered vaping a status symbol because of her popularity on social media.

"They like the way others perceive you – you're part of a major trend."

She said that an important part of reducing the numbers is reaching students when they are young.

"Education is a great tool and it has power in it," Claypool said.

Contact Lori Higgins: 313-222-6651, [email protected] or @LoriAHiggins

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