Vaping may be worse for health than cigarettes, says new study


A recent study has revealed bad news for smokers who have turned to vaping as a healthier alternative to smoking.

Electronic cigarettes can actually be more harmful to health than smoking.

The team of Greek scientists found that even short-term use of devices could cause as much, if not more, damage than traditional smoking.

The results are particularly alarming, as smokers often turn to battery-powered devices as they think they are a healthier alternative that would help them quit smoking.

In experiments on mice, scientists found that the additives in e-cigarettes, including flavorings, caused inflammation of the lungs that was similar to or worse than that seen in traditional cigarettes.

Dr. Constaninos Glynos, corresponding author, said: "The adverse effects observed in the lungs on the exposure of electronic cigarette vapors to animal models highlight the need for further research on the safety and toxicity of these devices expanding in the world. "

They simulate smoking a traditional cigarette by dispensing liquid chemical vapor into a refillable cartridge that typically contains propylene glycol, nicotine, and often flavors, reported Mirror Online.

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Smoking and vaping

Propylene glycol – a colorless and odorless additive – is found in many processed foods and beverages. It is also used as a solvent in a number of pharmaceutical products.

The results, published in the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular, show that e-cigs and refills are not well regulated – and that their long-term health effects are unknown.

The researchers compared several groups of mice that had been exposed throughout the body to various combinations of chemicals four times a day, with each session separated by 30-minute smoke-free intervals.

Dr. Glynos said, "E-cigarettes are presented as a less harmful nicotine delivery system or as a new tool to stop smoking.

"Our results suggest that exposure to e-cig vapor can trigger inflammatory reactions and negatively affect the mechanics of the respiratory system.

"In many cases, the addition of flavor in e-cigs has exacerbated the damaging effects of e-cig steam."

One group received cigarette smoke and three others e-cigarette vapors containing either propylene glycol, both this nicotine and these two ingredients and a tobacco aroma. A fifth batch comes to have normal and healthy air and serves as a control.

Some animals in each group underwent diets for three days (short term) and four weeks (long term).

There was an increase in markers of inflammation, mucus production and alteration of lung function in the three groups of e-cigs – after only three days.

But those receiving propylene glycol alone have shown fewer negative effects in long-term exposure.

Dr. Glynos, from the University of Athens, said that this suggests that the additive causes only temporary irritation that eventually fades with use. keep on going.

In addition, two proteins producing inflammation increased in the group of flavors.

This means that some of the many flavoring ingredients on the market may not be safe even for short-term use, Dr. Glynos said.

The condition of the e-cigs groups alarmed the researchers. The level of oxidative stress – damage at the cellular level – in people exposed to the flavors was equal to or greater than that of the group of cigarettes.

However, respiratory mechanics were only affected in mice exposed to cigarette smoke – and not to e-cig vapor after prolonged treatment.

Dr. Glynos added, "We conclude that electronic smoking and traditional smoking have a negative impact on lung biology."

His findings follow a British study earlier this year, which also suggests that vaping is more harmful than previously thought.

It revealed that some of the effects are similar to those seen in smokers and people with chronic lung disease – stimulating the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body.

Scientists at the University of Birmingham extracted cells from lung samples provided by healthy non-smokers and exposed them to e-cig, condensed vapor or nothing for 24 hours.

Steam exposure increased cell death and the production of inflammatory chemicals.

And the ability of cells to engulf bacteria was significantly reduced in people exposed to vapors.

Public Health England reports that e-cigarettes are 95% safer than traditional cigarettes. And they suggest that smokers consider switching to vaping to help them quit.

Critics warn, however, that vaping can cause lung disease, keep people hooked on nicotine, or become a way of smoking for children.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 7.4 million Britons smoke and 2.8 million Britons use e-cigs.

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