Vascepa's result from Amarin marks an important milestone – Amarin Corporation PLC (NASDAQ: AMRN)


Recently, Amarin (AMRN) announced the results of its results study known as REDUCE-IT. The results of the test were very positive, as the main criterion was reached. This finding is important because it relies on previous Vascepa data. I believe that this recent discovery of the study will result in increased sales of the drug. For these reasons, I think that Amarin is a strong buy.

Study of the results

Amarin announced that the results trial, known as REDUCE-IT, had achieved the main evaluation criterion of the study. This study enrolled a total of 8,179 statin-treated adults with high cardiovascular risk (NYSE: CV). For patients to be enrolled in the study, they had to have LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels between 41 and 100 mg / dL. The median levels of LDL-C for this study were 75 mg / dL. It is also important to note that these patients needed to be well controlled with statin therapy and had some cardiovascular risk factors. These factors included high levels of triglycerides that persisted between 150 and 499 mg / dL and one type of established cardiovascular disease or diabetes and at least one other CV risk factor. The patients in this study of results took Vascepa 4 grams daily or placebo. It was noted that those who took Vascepa achieved a 25% relative risk reduction during major adverse CV events (OTCQX: MACE). The detailed data from this study will be revealed at a future medical conference. The Amarin stock closed up 314% after the publication of the results study. Why would this announcement have caused such an upward movement for the title? Indeed, patients with high triglyceride levels present a major risk of cardiovascular event. These types of cardiovascular events range from: heart attack, stroke, heart valve disease, cardiac hypertrophy and many others. That's the first point I'd like to point out, but I think the current surge is in statin treatment itself. The reason I'm making this statement is that even when patients in a randomized clinical trial is able to reduce their LDL cholesterol between 70 and 100 mg / dl, their rate of cardiovascular events remains high. Even with high-dose statin therapy, this problem persists. Therefore, the results published by Amarin show that the addition of Vascepa to patients taking statins significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular events by 25%.

Opportunities for expansion

This study of the results is very good news for Amarin, and this confirms that Vascepa can help these patients with LDL-C who take statins. The ability to reduce a cardiovascular event by 25% is quite important, in my opinion. With this in mind, Amarin can now tackle a larger market. He will benefit by setting up more than 400 new sales representatives to promote Vascepa sales in the United States. The problem was that insurers were covering Vascepa for a small group of patients with high triglyceride levels. The new results released by the company the other day will now allow a wider range of patients to continue with Vascepa. This is also an important finding from a moral point of view, in that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. The ability of the drug to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease also has an impact on reducing mortality rates. This is a plus in my book, and I believe that Amarin is ready for a new chapter with his latest discoveries. Another point to emphasize is the possibility of extending Vascepa outside the United States. Biotechnology will work with its international partners to obtain regulatory approvals in other jurisdictions. I believe that things for Amarin can only improve from here.


According to 10-Q SEC depositAmarin has $ 102.3 million in cash as at June 30, 2018. It was noted in this document that biotech would have enough money to finance its operations until the REDUCE-IT results are achieved. The result of REDUCE-IT being revealed, it is very likely that it will have to collect funds in the short term. The reason I think this is true, is because it was mentioned that he was going to expand his sales force in the United States for Vascepa.


The results of the REDUCE-IT study lay the groundwork for a possible improvement in sales of Vascepa. An analyst believes that the The new findings of the REDUCE-IT study could increase sales of Vascepa up to 2 billion dollars. The possibility that the drug can be administered in addition to patients taking statin therapy is another positive point. The risk is that the entire data is not fully known. All will not be revealed until a next medical conference. However, I feel that the premise of the study has virtually achieved its primary goal of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Will the complete set of data revealed be an important event? I believe this will be the case, however, it can not be denied that Vascepa added in addition to statin therapy reduces cardiovascular events by 25% over placebo. I think this finding is the most important conclusion of the REDUCE-IT study. For these reasons, I think that Amarin is a strong buy.

This article is published by Terry Chrisomalis, who heads the Biotech Analysis Central pharmaceutical service on Seeking Alpha Marketplace. If you like what you read here and want to subscribe, I currently offer a free two week trial period for subscribers. My service offers in-depth analysis of many pharmaceutical companies. Come see for yourself if my service is right for you. The Biotech Analysis Central SA market costs $ 49 a month, but for those who enroll in the annual plan, you will benefit from a 33.50% discount price of $ 399 a year.

Disclosure: I / we have no position in the actions mentioned and we do not plan to enter positions in the next 72 hours.

I have written this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I do not receive compensation for this (other than Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with a company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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