Venezuela. A suspect in Maduro's assassination plot dies in a mysterious fall from a window


According to Venezuelan government officials, Fernando Albán, a 56-year-old city councilor in the Caracas capital and critic of Maduro, has committed suicide after committing suicide after crossing a tenth floor of the intelligence service. Bolivarian, the country's highest intelligence agency.

But Maduro's critics have accused the Albania assassination regime as part of a massive crackdown on opposition groups and human rights defenders.

Albán was arrested on Friday for his alleged involvement in the alleged assassination attempt of 4 August, when armed drones headed for Maduro during a speech at a military parade. Two loud explosions were heard and, while Maduro had escaped the attack unscathed, seven members of the Venezuelan National Guard were injured.

It is unclear exactly what happened to Albán between his arrest and his death.

Venezuelan Interior Minister Nestor Luis Reverol tweeted Monday that when he was transferred to Albán he was thrown out the window. This tale seemed to differ from that of Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab, who had stated in an interview with the public TV channel VTV that Albán had been thrown out the window after asking for permission. go to the toilet.

Albán's lawyer, Joel Garcia, told CNN that Saab's story was "totally false" because it would have been impossible for his client to not accompany his toilet and jump out the window being given the high level of security and surveillance inside the building.

Officials outside Venezuela also shouted scandal.

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, said on Twitter that the death of Albán was the direct result of a "regime of torture and homicide".

Opposition and human rights groups have accused the Maduro administration of holding hundreds of political prisoners on fictitious charges to quell dissent. The United Nations has stated that detainees are often subjected to ill-treatment and sometimes torture.

The Venezuelan government constantly denies that it detains people as political prisoners and asserts that those who are detained have been quite imprisoned.

US Senator Bob Corker described the death of Albán as "disturbing" and said the Venezuelan government "has a responsibility to make sure everyone understands how this could have happened".

Corker, the Senate's president of external relations, is in Venezuela on an investigative mission, and meets with US officials, Venezuelan lawmakers and opposition leaders. He met Maduro in Caracas earlier this year.

Albán is among those arrested by the Venezuelan authorities as part of the attack.
Maduro claims that right-wing agitators and former Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos are behind the attempted murder. He later claimed to have evidence establishing a connection between Colombia and the attack, but he has not yet revealed it.

Colombia denied the allegations.

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