Venom and Lady Gaga push movie ticket sales to an October record


LOS ANGELES – Two films destined for extremely varied audiences – two examples, at least on paper, of what many moviegoers claim to be wrong with Hollywood – have become instant blockbusters this weekend, pushing theaters to a sales record tickets in october.

"Venom", starring Tom Hardy in the role of Fanged Superheroes, and Bitter-Sweet Romance "A Star Is Born", this time with Lady Gaga in the lead role, have exceeded the expectations of box office analysts by about 30%. Fatigue of superheroes? No proof. Nobody wants to see a remake of a remake of a remake? Think again.

For all films released, ticket sales in North American theaters totaled about $ 174.5 million, a record for a weekend in October, a month in which movie attendance tends to be relatively light. According to comScore, which collects data at the box office, the previous record for a weekend in October dates back to 2015, when "The Martian" allowed Hollywood to generate a total of $ 163.5 million worth of ticket sales in the domestic market, after correction of inflation.

"The box office thrives and expands when there are various options," said Phil Contrino, director of media and research at the National Association of Theater Owners. On October 19, we expect Hollywood to serve another smash: analysts say that "Halloween", with the return of Jamie Lee Curtis in a leading role, will reach at least $ 60 million in ticket sales for the opening weekend.

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