Venom ready to break the box office record of the opening weekend of October


Venom is about to annihilate the all-time record of the opening weekend of October, far from eclipsing it Gravity beginning. The film is the first of a series of vehicles that Sony has planned for their own comic book franchise, based on the 900 Marvel characters they still hold rights to. Venom, in particular, is a project of passion for the studio for years, its development dates back to the late 2000s, when Sam Raimi Spider-Man 3 went out of. It has finally arrived in theaters, but unfortunately for Sony, the results are mixed.

Critical, Venom the reception leans towards the negative side of the spectrum, people criticizing its weak history and aging feeling. However, there is always something fun to be had (see: the inherent strangeness of the dynamic Eddie Brock / Venom), which means that it might appeal to a wide audience. For months, the projections indicated that he would break records in his early days, and now Venom it looks like it will exceed commercial expectations.

Related: Read the Venom Review of Screen Rant

according to THR, Venom is on track to earn about $ 80 million in its first three days in the country, surpassing the $ 55.7 million posted by Gravity back in 2013. In a distant (but still respectable) second is Bradley Cooper A star is born, which is expected to bring in more than $ 40 million in its early days. The very different demographic characteristics of the two newcomers meant that both countries were in an ideal position to thrive at the box office.

For Sony, it's great news. Venom produce "only" 100 million dollars, so it should be on track to generate huge profits. Before these updated figures were released, it was estimated that the film would earn $ 175 million worldwide this weekend. Today, this figure will probably be higher. What's more Venom seems to be ready for a theatrical release backstage, as there will be no other massive franchise blockbusters open until November Fantastic Beasts: The Grindelwald Crimes first. It is true that other large-scale films will be broadcast in the coming weeks (First man and Halloween skip), they are not exactly the direct competition for Venom. If word of mouth does not derail, the film will be huge.

Sony has not yet formally put developing projects as Morbius and Silver & Blackbut Venom The first successes should give the studio the assurance of moving forward with these films. At the very least, the chances of a Venom afterwards, especially after Ruben Fleischer's film laid the groundwork for a follow-up. Sony was smart to slow things down as they waited to see what they had, and maybe they now have a cartoon mast to call.

More: Venom Ending Explained

Source: THR

Key release dates

  • Venom (2018) release date: 05 Oct 2018

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