Verification of Donald Trump's Wisconsin Rally Speech


On October 24, 2018, President Donald Trump held a rally in Wisconsin with the goal of improving the prospects of other Republicans in the November 6, 2018 election.

GOP governor Scott Walker, who will face Democrat Tony Evers in the governor race (appearing before the government), appeared with Trump at Mosinee Airport.

Just like Leah Vukmir, the Republican defying outgoing Democrat Tammy Baldwin in the US Senate race (these facts are verified here).

Here is a quick overview of the President's remarks we have already verified:

"Millions of jobs" lost due to NAFTA

Not based on our last check.

This statement was similar to Trump's in September 2018, when he stated that under the North American Free Trade Agreement, "we had lost millions of jobs. ".

PolitiFact National's rating was False.

Our colleagues have not found any study that estimates that NAFTA alone would cost "millions" of jobs. The most important estimate is about 800,000, and other studies show less significant, and sometimes positive, negative impacts.

African-American, the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate

This reference was not clear.

If the president really wanted to talk about unemployment, PolitiFact National described as "almost true" an assertion similar to the one he made in January 2018. At that time, Trump said: "The unemployment rate of Afro- Americans is the lowest ever recorded in our country.The lowest point of the past year and it is close to the lowest in recorded history.Dems did nothing for you except your vote! "

Our colleagues found that Trump was right about the low unemployment rate of blacks and Hispanics. But his slam that the Democrats "did nothing" in this regard was an exaggeration. Under Donald Trump's predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama, the unemployment rate for both groups has declined by more than half.

Trump might have meant poverty, as he had said a month ago: "The poverty rate of African Americans and Hispanic Americans is incredible, they have all reached their lowest level in the history of our country. ". The rating for PolitiFact National was True.

We have the choice of veterans, it took 44 years

That was pretty much the same as Trump's assertion in October 2018 that Republicans "had just adopted" the Veterans Choice program after 44 years of attempts.

PolitiFact National's rating was False.

Trump described the program as a program allowing veterans to obtain private care at the expense of the government. The program to do exactly that exists for four years. And this has always been called Choice.

"I do not know if she liked me at first, but she likes me now"

Trump was talking about Vukmir and his change to support him.

When Vukmir said, in July 2018, "I've always been there with" Trump, our rating was False.

Vukmir widely supported Trump in the presidency in 2016 after winning the Republican nomination. But before that, she had supported other GOP candidates and had been very critical of him.

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