Verizon customers in four cities officially get a 5G technology-based Internet service today


The era of 5G technology has officially arrived.

Verizon has begun activating its new home-based Internet service based on its next-generation 5G wireless network, the company said on Monday.

The new service, 5G Home, has been activated in parts of four cities – Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles and Sacramento – with download speeds of up to 300 Mbps. This is the first commercial use of a 5G network in the world, according to the company. The service costs $ 70 per month, or $ 50 per month when combined with a $ 30 Verizon mobile phone package.

Unlike traditional home-based Internet, which comes into your home with a fixed wire, Verizon's new service works by sending web content over a mobile data connection to a wireless router in your home. It takes advantage of newly unlocked waves that can support large amounts of high speed, low offset data transfers.

The company claims that 5G technology, once available on smartphones, could lead to mobile data downloads 20 times faster than its predecessor 4G LTE, allowing users to download high-definition video in seconds. Other industrial groups have speeds of 1,000 Mbps or more.

While 5G can help you accelerate your mobile data experience on a daily basis, industry leaders believe that its real benefits are to facilitate the development of entirely new technologies, such as autonomous cars, telemedicine, and more. applications that are not compatible with current mobile data standards.

Verizon's announcement comes as federal decision-makers attempt to accelerate the deployment of 5G technology.

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission decided to impose new requirements on municipal governments, which would require them to approve 5G cell sites more quickly. The new rule also limits the amount of money that cities can charge to process requests from companies such as AT & T and Verizon to use utility poles and other rights of way.

Proponents of the proposal said the new policies would accelerate the deployment of 5G and benefit rural areas. Critics, however, felt that this proposal would limit local self-government and jeopardize public services in some cities.

The White House also participated in this effort by bringing together business leaders and government officials at a meeting on Friday to discuss the potential of 5G technology and the benefits of private network investments. The event followed a controversy earlier this year that a proposal revealed by national security personnel suggested to the Trump administration to create a government-run 5G network.

AT & T has announced plans to launch 5G this year for mobile devices – not home-based Internet – in 12 cities, including Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas and New Orleans.

Sprint and T-Mobile pledged $ 40 billion to build their own 5G wireless network if the government approved their $ 26 billion merger.

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