Verizon will offer 5G Internet next month in some cities


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The age of 5 is upon us, even if it does not happen yet on phones. Verizon has announced that it will begin offering 5G home Internet service in a few cities starting next month. It's the same network that will eventually service the phones, but home Internet customers will receive the first blow. Verizon promises speeds of nearly 1 gigabit, and you can order services from Thursday, September 13th in some markets.

Verizon's 5G service will be launched first in Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles and Sacramento. If you are in one of these cities, you can have access to the 5G from 1 October. Due to the nature of 5G, only parts of cities will have 5G towers at launch. If you are in a supported area, Verizon indicates that your 5G service should work reliably at 300 Mbps, but that it can reach a speed of nearly 1 Gbps when congestion network is weak. It is unclear if these are just download speeds or both. Verizon is doing its best to say that the 5G Internet service will not have a data cap. I'm sure this is something that early adopters will test.

While the 5G standards are in the final stages of completion, Verizon says it did not want to wait for them to finish planning its 5G home service. Thus, the 5G home Internet offer will work on a proprietary version of the standard. This is less of a problem for a 5G home modem than for a phone.

Verizon's 5G operates on the millimeter wave spectrum – the Verizon waveband is around 28 GHz. This allows a large data bandwidth, but the high frequency signal range is reduced compared to current LTE technology which reaches about 2.5 GHz. Any object passing between the local tower and your local antenna could interrupt the signal. Verizon says its technicians will install the necessary equipment and configure the Verizon router for free.

Verizon plans to charge $ 50 per month if you already have a Verizon wireless phone service. Everyone pays $ 70 a month. In both cases, it costs less than most services that claim to offer gigabit speeds. Verizon probably attacks at the cost of service in order to obtain a 5G service in as many homes as possible. It's as much about promoting your 5G network as selling people on the 5G Internet. Verizon also offers three months of YouTube TV to subscribers.

Now read: An affordable 5G could fundamentally change the way you receive internet service, OnePlus plans the 5G phone for 2019, the possible US carrier offers and the Qualcomm Snapdragon X50 5G modem operated for testing

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