Video titled "Headless Chicken Monster" could help conservation of Antarctica


Australian researchers have developed a new technology allowing them to film for the first time a sea cucumber swimming on the high seas, also called "headless chicken monster", in the waters of the Southern Ocean off the coast of Australia. Eastern Antarctica.

The sea cucumber, which has never been filmed before in the Gulf of Mexico, was discovered with the help of an underwater camera system developed by the Australian Antarctic Division. (AAD) for commercial longline fishing.

Enypniastes eximia, the pioneering Australian camera technology that captured the body's rare images, could contribute to the long campaign for the creation of a new Antarctic Conservation Area.

The technology is based on a housing that protects the camera and electronic components. It is "designed to attach to toothfish longlines in the Southern Ocean, so it must be extremely durable," said Dirk Welsford, AAD officer, referring to a type of line used for fishing. On the high seas.

"We needed something that could be projected on the side of a boat and that would continue to run reliably under extreme pressure in complete darkness for long periods of time."

The camera data is sent to the international body responsible for the management of the Southern Ocean, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).

Breathtaking images

"Some of the images we receive from cameras are breathtaking, including species that we have never seen in this part of the world," said Welsford in a statement issued by CCAMLR.

"More importantly, the cameras provide important information about areas of the seabed that can withstand this type of fishing and sensitive areas to avoid," he added.

The data collected by the cameras is presented at CCAMLR's annual meeting in Hobart on Monday, where a new maritime protection zone will be proposed.

"Australia will again seek support for the creation of a new Marine Protected Area in East Antarctica," said Gillian Slocum, Australian Commissioner for CCAMLR.

"We will also support two other new marine protected areas proposed this year, which will contribute to CCAMLR's commitment to put in place a representative system of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean," she said. she adds.

Proposed protection zone

The huge area located off eastern Antarctica, rich in cold water corals and harboring feeding areas for penguins, has long been the focus of attention. an offer to create a protection zone.

The proposal to protect three large blocks of ocean and seabed along East Antarctica has already been endorsed by the scientific committee of the commission on three occasions. But opposition from China and Russia has blocked the proposal every year, according to a report in Nature.

The report adds that both countries have fishing interests in the region and that under CCAMLR rules, the 25 members of the commission – 24 countries and the European Union – must give their agree that a proposal be adopted.

However, conservation groups are confident that the area will be approved at this year's meeting.

"Many changes have been made to the original proposal to address country concerns. Nearly all CCAMLR members agreed that it was ready to be adopted, "said Claire Christian, executive director of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition. "We are therefore optimistic about the possibility of resolving outstanding issues."

She said previous objections from China and Russia related to the wording and regulation of the proposal rather than its conservation rationale and science.

"Marine Protected Areas are one of the best tools we have to protect whole ecosystems in a global way," added Christian. "Protecting the Southern Ocean means protecting the last great desert of the world and helping its magnificent species thrive."

The species in the area are highly prized and therefore require careful conservation, said Slocum.

"The Southern Ocean is home to an incredible abundance and variety of marine life, including commercially valuable species, whose exploitation must be carefully managed for future generations," he said. -she adds.

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