Videos showing babysitters abusing a boy with Down syndrome


AZTEC, NM. (KRQE) – Warning: the above video may contain disturbing or offensive images

They are disgusting videos of two teenage babysitters who abuse an 8 year old boy with Down syndrome.

In one of them, they push the boy to take a hit with a bong. These are the videos, however, that made the babysitters.

Two videos circulate on social networks, provoking outrage in the Aztec community.

The videos are hard to watch, but the boy's mother says that there are even more videos that the public has not seen that are worse.

"He is the most loving and caring little boy and it disgusts me that they can do this to him, especially when one of them is pregnant," she said.

Bricen's mother, Amanda Greenhaus, asked that KRQE News 13 show these videos in full without having to edit them.

The first, according to the police, is that Bricen is forced to smoke a bang while he is entrusted to guardians Lindsey Moss and Dallas Baron, both 19 years old.

The second video, again involving Moss and Baron, shows them throwing an empty 5 gallon jug of water to Bricen 's head while the other has recorded it with his mobile phone. .

The police said that the videos were made last year, but it was not until last June that one of their friends – who could not believe what she saw – sent the videos to the father Bricen, who called the police.

Bricen's clueless mother says her son can not speak and she did not know this horrible abuse was happening.

She also said that three other videos exist. Two are doors slammed on Bricen's face.

"The other of them is to pop a popsicle in his throat, they hold it and he can not breathe anymore," she said.

Although Baron and Moss were arrested in June after the police saw the videos, Bricen's father posted the videos on Facebook this week, as well as a long message about the Baron and Moss exhibition .

His position has sparked numerous calls to the Aztec Police Department.

The police then had to use social media to point out that the two young women had already been charged with mistreatment.

Moss does not have a criminal record in New Mexico. Baron was quoted for smoking pot in February of last year.

The boy's father also broadcasts the videos hoping that the two men will not be hit on the wrist.

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