Vincent Gray, lawmaker of DC, said that he had been chased from a nightclub for a protest in the city


A Security Council member, Vincent C. Gray, said that a bouncer had pushed him out of a northeastern nightclub on Saturday night during an event. artistic. sponsored by the city government, according to the authorities.

Gray's advisers stated that a dispute had begun around 9 pm. on the acceptance of his council ID card at the D.C. Eagle club in the Ward 7 Ward of the Democrats.

According to Gray's chief of staff, a bouncer would not accept the date card.

Gray, 75, asked to speak to a manager and the bouncer went from behind the counter and pushed the legislator out the door, said Sheila Bunn, Gray's chief of staff. She said Gray was at the club for her third visit to Art All Night, an arts festival organized throughout the city by local businesses.

Gray called the police after being pushed. A police report said Gray said he had fallen and was wounded after being pushed to the door. According to the report, he refused medical attention at the scene.

"He was not going to party, drink or anything like that," Bunn said. "This is a government sponsored event, it was open to the public, it showed its board card and it did not show belligerence."

Bunn says Gray is likely to lay charges. She said that one of the club's owners had apologized to the legislator and had promised to fire the bouncer.

The representatives of D.C. Eagle could not be contacted immediately for comments, but the club made a statement to NBC 4:

"Gray Advisor attempted to enter the DC Eagle last night, but refused to provide proper identification to our door staff after being asked repeatedly, as required by DC law" , the company said. "He asked to see an owner and he was told that he should wait outside."

Gray was mayor before losing a run for re-election in 2014. He was re-elected to the board in 2016.

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