Vinnie Favale on leave after allegation of misconduct at CBS


Vincent "Vinnie" Favale, Executive Vice President of Talent at CBS, was put on administrative leave following multiple allegations of sexual and homophobic language in the workplace.

In a CNN report, several CBS employees, past and present, said they had witnessed or heard later that Favale had made inappropriate comments.

In one particular case, Favale reportedly told a colleague that he "had four erections" while he watched singer Jennifer Hudson repeat for an appearance in 2015 on The end of the show with Stephen Colbert. He also made derogatory comments about Colbert's sexuality.

According to one source, Favale fought back against her after complaining officially about a sexually explicit joke that he had made at a meeting. The source said that after talking to his superior, Favale had started to exclude important meetings. She eventually left CBS, claiming that her experience with Favale had contributed to her decision to leave.

Favale made the following statement to CNN regarding the allegations:

The allegations that I have retaliated against anyone in any way are entirely false. My entire career has been devoted to comedy shows, where there has always been great latitude to make transgressive jokes during program preparation. Although we make a lot of jokes, these jokes that were attributed to me, whether at rehearsals or production meetings, were taken out of context and were not said in the way presented here.

CBS also issued its own statement to TVLine:

The comments reported in this story are offensive and do not meet the standards we expect from our leaders or the culture we want at CBS. The network investigated a complaint for abusive language received in January 2016 and corrective measures were taken. However, given that the voices concerned express themselves nearly three years later, an additional examination is warranted. Mr. Favale was put on leave while we look at this situation further.

Favale 's permission comes just weeks after the dismissal of the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Les Moonves, by CBS, following allegations of multiple sexual assaults.

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