Violent crime in the United States decreased slightly in 2017, F.B.I. Find


Violent crime in the United States declined slightly in 2017, after a worrying increase in the previous two years, which became a major topic of debate in the presidential election.

FBI. Statistics released this week showed that the overall violent crime rate was down 0.9% and the murder rate was down 1.4%. The property crime rate also decreased by 3.6%.

A separate analysis released last week by the Brennan Justice Center also predicted that overall rates of crime and murder would decline further in 2018.

The numbers have remained stubbornly high in some places. Chicago, which has been hit by a high rate of violent crime for years, has seen murders fall by 14%, to reach a total of 653. Cities ranked by homicide rate – murder and manslaughter for 100,000 inhabitants -. ten.

Global crime has steadily declined over the past 30 years in the United States. Inimai Chettiar, director of the Brennan Center justice program, said FBI statistics – and her organization's projections – showed that the rise in crime in 2015-16 was probably a failure in that trajectory, not the beginning of A wave of crime.

President Trump has campaigned for a tougher approach to rising crime and spoken of the "American carnage" in his inaugural speech. In his statement, Mr. Sessions acknowledged his administration's approach to policing and criminal justice to reduce the crime rate.

But Ms. Chettiar disputed this, adding that much of the crime-fighting work is done by local officials, not at the federal level.

"There is no evidence that what Trump and Sessions have done has led to this decrease," she said.

The Brennan Center examined crime data for the 30 largest US cities in the first half of 2018, and then modeled its projections based on trends from the previous year.

His report predicts that the murder rate in the 30 largest cities would decrease by 7.6% by the end of 2018, with significant declines in San Francisco, Chicago and Baltimore. The report's authors claim that their data were closely related to national trends in previous years.

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