Virginia Dunkin's owner Donuts calls the police on a black client for using free Wi-Fi without purchase


The video footage of a now-viral interaction between a black client and the manager of a white shop at Virginia Dunkin's Donuts sparked an uproar and lively debate online after the owner of the franchise, Christina Cabral, called the police on the client, Tirza Wilbon White Fi without making a purchase.

"I had just sat down when a woman I had never seen before came in and asked:" Are you going to buy coffee? " "White said at Yahoo Lifestyle, about the incident occurred Nov. 7 in one of Fairfax's local coffee and pastry chain. "I told him that I planned to buy coffee after my installation, but not if it was mandatory."

According to Yahoo, White then asked the woman, identified by the point of sale as Cabral, if a white client would be required to meet the same standard, which prompted Cabral to say that White had to make a purchase or leave.


In a series of three videos posted on Facebook on November 8th, White recounts the conversation she had with Cabral, as well as the dialogue she had afterwards with the policeman who responded to the scene .

"You're under the Dunkin umbrella, I just watched this, it's a free Wi-Fi in Dunkin Donuts," begins White in the clip that has been viewed more than 32,000 times.

"But as a franchisee, I have the right to offer you free Internet access or not," Cabral said.

"Do you have a business card? I will contact a company, "replied White

"You do not need my business card to do it," says Cabral. "I can create my own rules. … I have to keep my clients safe, "she continued. "It's nothing against you," she says, citing previous problems with customers. "We are just trying to make our customers feel safe."

In the second and third videos shared on social media, the law enforcement official tells White to leave the store "because she wishes it".

"Am I in trouble if I choose not to leave?" Asks White.

"Yes, if you choose not to leave, I will order you to leave. … I will give you a summons and if you do not sign this summons, I should stop you, "he said.

Taken aback, White finally leaves the scene and then expresses his frustrations on Facebook.

"A franchise owner tried to intimidate me. She lied about the company's policy and tried to force me to make a purchase to be in the store because she has a problem of loitering. She called the police to force me to leave when I told her that she was profiling the gentleman and me. In his head, I was the "people" hanging out. In fact, I was a customer in her store until yesterday, and this for more than 2 years, "she wrote.

"I am still angry more than 24 hours later, and I want justice done for the humiliation I have suffered."

Shortly after, White announced that two representatives of Dunkin 'Donuts had personally called him to apologize, according to Yahoo.

At the same time, representatives of the Massachusetts-based Dunkin coffee chain sent Fox News's request for comment with the following statement:

"Our franchisees and we want every customer who enters a Dunkin restaurant to be treated with dignity and respect. That did not happen at a restaurant in Fairfax, Virginia. We apologized to the customer, on behalf of the brand and the franchisee who owns and operates this restaurant, but we know that this is not enough, "said a spokesman.

"Our franchisees are independent business people who, to the extent that they respect the law, can set their own policies for things like using Wi-Fi and decide to limit their use to those who make a purchase." they added. "However, we are striving to help our franchisees better serve our diverse clientele and are currently exploring ways to improve all aspects of our restaurant operations: signage, guidelines, recommended strategies, franchisee training and more." of their members. We are committed to doing better. "


Facebook commentators have reacted to the news with mixed opinions.

"Really? All this because you want to sit in his restaurant, take a table, not buy a cup of coffee .80 cent and use their wi-fi.I am sorry, but you are wrong. Have free wi-fi, it's common sense, and you say you're an adult to understand that if you want to sit at a table, use their wi-fi, just buy a cup of coffee. with the color of the skin or race, "said one of them.

"Is there a homeless situation in the area? The purchase of something could be a policy because of the wait, "added another.

"As a business owner who deals with the general public, Cabral should be better able to resolve conflicts and not be so confrontational. She could have handled it a lot better. It would have been better to wait and see if she was a customer or a passionate, then solve it if necessary. Business savvy would be smart to consider the income that your business could lose in the long run. What is the cost of Wi-Fi per customer, go ahead, "says one of them. If Cabral herself believed that her intentions were justified, she would not have lied about her position as Q & A. These white women must understand that some people have real problems and do not waste time applying the law with minor problems. "

"If you refuse to buy in a store or establishment, you can ask[ed] leave by the police. They are a company. Free is not FREE it's the ladys [sic] interpretation. AND not the law [require] the police must be posted. That's why the cop supported the franchisee, "proposed another.

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