Vitamin B12 deficiency: avoid injection supplements or risky side effects


Vitamin B12 deficiency could be treated by taking B12 capsule supplements a day, said Dr. Ranj Singh of ITV This Morning.

Signs of deficiency include fatigue, tingling and headaches, he said.

Although taking supplements can help relieve the symptoms of a deficiency, patients should never take injectable vitamin B12 supplements, he warned.

Although the actual vitamin may be completely healthy, unless you know how to inject the supplement, you may suffer serious damage.

Injections of vitamin B12 may be prescribed by a doctor, which is safe, but some clinics or salons have found solutions in the system, he warned.

"Some people, if they are severely deficient or struggling to maintain their B12 level, may be given injections," said Dr. Ranj.

"There is a whole range of establishments that sell the beneficial effects of various vitamins, including b12, and when you look at science, it's just not there.

"If you buy an oral tablet, it's usually very safe. The injectable form of vitamin B12 is prescribed only.

"There are clinics that do not say that it is not a treatment, but a supplement.

"The medicine itself can be very safe. But the person who administers it must know what it is doing. If you have not been trained, you could cause problems.

"[The supplements] probably do not contain only vitamin B12 by themselves. Even vitamins can become toxic if you have the wrong amount.

Vitamin B12 is used by the body to make red blood cells and keep the nervous system healthy, according to the NHS. It is also used to release energy from food, the report adds.

The best sources of vitamin B12 include meat, salmon, cod, milk, cheese, eggs and some enriched breakfast cereals.

All adults aged 19 to 64 need about 1.5 μg of vitamin B12 a day.

Most people should be able to consume enough vitamin B12 if they eat meat and fish.

Taking vitamin B12 supplements is unlikely to cause any damage, provided you do not take more than 2 mg daily.

A deficiency can be caused by pernicious anemia – when the immune system attacks healthy stomach cells – or by not consuming enough vitamins.

You can add vitamin B12 by eating more beef, liver, salmon, egg or dairy products.

See a doctor if you are worried about vitamin B12 deficiency.

Most cases can be easily treated with vitamin B12 supplements and diet changes.

It is important that the condition be diagnosed quickly because it can lead to heart disease and temporary infertility on rare occasions.

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