"Vote for your Values": Oprah Winfrey Begins Campaign in Georgia for Stacey Abrams | Television and radio


Oprah Winfrey has lent her star power to Stacey Abrams, the Democrat of Georgia who wants to become the first black governor in the United States in mid-term elections next week.

"I'm here today because Stacey Abrams values ​​the things that matter," Winfrey told an enthusiastic crowd outside a Cobb County town hall, citing Abrams' position on environmental protection, health and gun control.

Winfrey, who said to be a registered freelancer, has long defended the causes of the Democratic Party and some fans have tried it earlier this year to encourage her to run against Republican President Donald Trump in 2020. She said that she did not want to show up.

"I am here today because of men and women lynched, humiliated, discriminated against, repressed, repressed and oppressed … I refuse that their sacrifices be in vain," she said at the same time. audience, to cheer.

ABC News

"I want to be very clear," says Oprah Winfrey, campaigning for Stacey Abrams.

"I do not want to run, okay … I do not try to test the waters, I do not want to go to those waters." https://t.co/an3bklUKLh pic.twitter.com/Vy6WkdzgVa

November 1, 2018

Winfrey and Abrams hold two town hall meetings Thursday in Decatur and Marietta, battlefield towns, for a discussion on "the critical value of women in leadership and issues for our communities in elections."

In a few hours, tickets for free city hotels were purchased. on the Abrams campaign website: "We are sorry, but the capacity of this event is maximum."

The race for governorships in Georgia has become a hot spot for accusations of repression of voters.

The Republican rival of Abrams, Brian Kemp, serves as Georgian Secretary of State, in which he oversees parliamentary elections. Earlier this month, a coalition of state civil rights groups sued Kemp, accusing it of attempting to reduce minority voter turnout in order to Improve your chances of winning.

Winfrey could also go door-to-door with Abrams on Friday, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

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Although the appearance of Winfrey made the headlines for Abrams, it is not clear if his celebrity status will be enough to propel him to victory, the latest polls indicating that Abrams and Kemp are neck and neck.

However, the libertarian Ted Metz, the third name on the ballot, could take just enough votes to signify that there were no winners, which would have caused a second round in December.

With Winfrey's visit, Abrams may try to mobilize suburban voters and African-American women, two groups she relies on during the polls.

"Vote for your values," said Winfrey, speaking to the women in the audience. "Vote for your conscience … vitriol and advertisements, they are designed to confuse and confuse you with fear … When you know the right thing and you can feel it … you can not be influenced by propaganda and fear. "

Winfrey's participation could also serve as a counterweight to the three-stop campaign of Vice President Mike Pence for Kemp this week, the Journal-Constitution says.

Other prestigious visits are planned, with former President Barack Obama heading to Atlanta on Friday for Abrams and President Donald Trump who will campaign Sunday for Kemp.

Kemp, whose support comes from rural areas and "outlying suburbs," has used Abrams' lure to spark grassroots opposition.

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