Vote Kavanaugh could come this weekend


SRepublicans are considering a possible vote on the weekend to confirm the name of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, unless there is unexpected information in an FBI report expected by the end of the week.

The majority whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, said the GOP leaders wanted to achieve this in the coming days and that they would strive to complete the confirmation of the job for the nominee of President Trump.

"The leader wants everything finalized this week," Cornyn told reporters Monday night as he headed to his Capitol office.

When asked if the vote could take place after Friday, Cornyn replied, "Maybe."

Republicans are looking for the FBI to complete its investigation into Kavanaugh 's sexual assault charges by Friday. On the invitation of Senator Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, the GOP leaders agreed to postpone the votes on Kavanaugh until the FBI has completed a report after a week at most, and they are impatient to make it appear so that they can quickly return to the vote.

If the report surfaces on Friday, Republicans are likely to call for a vote to end the candidacy debate on Friday, setting up a 30-hour standby period that would result in a final confirmation vote on Saturday.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Announced Monday afternoon that the Senate would vote "this week" on Kavanaugh after the FBI closes, another sign that he was pleading for a vote in the United States. later on Saturday.

Nevertheless, Cornyn said lawmakers first had to consult the FBI report and suggested that it be at least partly made public.

"We will have to make some kind of announcement about the results of this additional investigation because now these allegations have been made, but they have not been proven yet, and we have to find a way to announce them," said Cornyn. .

Background checks are normally confidential and, according to Cornyn, this case "presents an unprecedented situation" because of the public nature of the allegations of sexual misconduct, first revealed after being leaked to the press.

Cornyn seemed to reject the call for an information meeting of all senators on the FBI report, suggested by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

"There has to be a report, and I guess the report will reveal what we know now, which is not new information," Cornyn said.

Meanwhile, Democrats have called for a thorough review by the FBI. Senator Chris Coons, D-Del., A Judicial Committee member who has worked with Flake to launch the new FBI investigation, wants the investigation to be unlimited.

Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Wishes the office to interview a list of more than two dozen witnesses related to Kavanaugh's claims, which are still not corroborated.

Blumenthal said it would be "difficult if not impossible" for them to complete this task by the end of the week.

Coons also criticized the limited scope and timing, although he supported a limited review of about a week ago just days ago.

"The FBI must be able to pursue all reasonable steps of the investigation from credible allegations before the committee," said Coons, who has been in contact with the White House on this.

These witnesses, for example, include a woman named by Deborah Ramirez, a classmate from Kavanaugh in Yale, who said she burned her at a party in her first year, Coons said. His story was not corroborated, but at least one other former classmate said he heard about the incident after it happened, but he was not questioned by the FBI.

Christine Blasey Ford also accused Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her at a rally while they were in high school.

A third allegation by Julie Swetnick states that Kavanaugh participated in parties in the 1980s in which women were allegedly raped by a gang. It is unclear whether the FBI examines the Swetnick complaint.

Cornyn said that Coons had asked for a weeklong investigation last week and is now planning to extend it in order to continue delaying the Kavanaugh investiture, to which almost all other Democrats have agreed. oppose.

"He is losing credibility," Cornyn said.

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