WA researchers develop first blood test to detect melanoma before it spreads


"No other type of biomarker seems capable of detecting cancer in the blood at these early stages." 19659002 "" We examined a total of 1627 different types of antibodies to identify a combination of 10 antibodies that best indicated the presence Cancer counseling warns that prevention is better than cure. "srcset =" https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_0.827%2C$multiply_0.7252124645892352%2C$ratio_1.776846%2C$width_1059%2C$x_0%2C$y_56/t_crop_custom/t_sharpen%2Cq_auto % 2Cf_auto / 4999c8fc0ab3c080f835859bbadc019e38e9eefc "itemprop =" image "/>

Cancer advice warns that prevention is better than cure

Photo: Andrew Quilty

Patients with cancer 39, an early detected melanoma had a five-year survival rate of 90 to 99%, while if survival rates were less than half, Ms. Zaenker said: primary cutaneous melanoma, was published in Oncotarget Today .

Professor Mel Ziman, Director of MRG, stated that if a clinical trial follow-up validated the results, the test could be ready for us "The ultimate goal is that this blood test be used to provide greater diagnostic certainty before biopsy and for routine screening of people at higher risk of melanoma, such as those at high risk of melanoma. However, Professor Rodney Sinclair of the University of Melbourne warned that a sensitivity of 79% meant that the test would detect melanoma in 79% of people with the disease. The specificity of 84% means that when the test is positive, 84% of patients will suffer from melanoma, but 16% will not, "he said. 19659002]" Rates of false positives and False negatives of this test mean that the results should be interpreted with caution and, if possible, combined with a complete skin check by a dermatologist. "

Melanoma accounts for approximately one to two percent of skin cancers, but is the most



Photo: Delivered

The Cancer Council warns that melanomas often have an irregular border or surface, and may be marbled and brown, black blue, red, white, or light gray, untreated, they could extend deeper into the skin and be transported into the lymphatic vessels or blood vessels to other parts of the body.

at least two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70.

Cancer Council Australia Executive Director Sanchia Aranda described the research as "interesting development", with larger clinical trials needed to test its impact on real-world survival.

"It is unlikely that a population-based screening will be cost effective" At the moment, many melanomas are easily detected at the beginning by new or existing spots or moles changes, so it is important that all Australians keep an eye on them. their skin and see their doctor immediately if they notice something unusual. "

Daile Cross has been with WAtoday since its inception.It writes the news and covers the cycle of education

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