Wait at least one year after birth before trying your next child study.


A major study suggests that couples should wait at least a year after the birth of a baby before trying to have their next child.

Harvard scientists found that a gap of 12 to 18 months between pregnancies was the safest for the mother and the child.

According to the experts, the results are particularly important for older mothers, who tend to want to have more than one child in a short period, to supplement their family before fertility declines.

The study, which analyzed 14,800 Canadian pregnancies over a decade, found that an interval of less than 12 months was the most dangerous: it increased the risk of maternal death, premature birth, stillbirth, and death. 39, underweight at birth.

Waiting 12 to 18 months was the safest option, after which the risks increased very gradually.

Dr. Laura Schummers, head of the study, whose findings are published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, said, "Our study has revealed increased risks for the mother and infant when pregnancies are widely spaced.

Experts from the University of Colorado, writing in the same newspaper, said women felt more and more urged to leave gaps between pregnancies because they were starting a family at a later age and they knew that their fertility would decrease.

This trend is reflected in the UK, as more women focus on their careers before having children.

In 2016, the average age of a first mother in England and Wales was 28.8, compared with 23.5 in 1970. Mandy Forrester of the Royal College of Midwives said: "It's the choice the woman's time between pregnancy and departure What is important is that they are aware of the evidence. »- Daily Mail

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