Walgreens refused a drug to a woman to induce miscarriage – and it's legal in six states


A pregnant woman in Peoria, Arizona, was reportedly drug refused to induce a miscarriage by a pharmacist at a local Walgreens, the woman reported on social media.

In one Facebook post and a star Yelp Review of location Walgreens, freshman teacher Nicole Mone Arteaga describes his experience of being turned away by pharmacist Brian Hreniuc, when she arrived at the pharmacy on June 21 to take her prescription. Arteaga noted that her 9-week-old fetus had stopped growing, and her doctor gave her the choice between surgery and a drug that led to miscarriage – a medicine that Hreniuc would not provide because of her "ethical beliefs" ".

"Tonight, when I went to get the prescription, the pharmacist, Brian Hreniuc, refused to give me the prescription. He was going to give me the narcotic painkillers very well but would not give me the prescription needed to helping my body free the unborn fetus I stood at its mercy explaining my situation with five other clients[s] standing behind me on hearing me deny the drug because of its ethical beliefs, "writes Arteaga in a Yelp post on Thursday.

"I understand that we all have our beliefs, but it's not something I believe in," continued Arteaga. "It's something that [I] need medically. This man has no idea what it is like to be women who are trying to have a baby only to learn that his body will not do it over time. This is by no means a prescription that I want but which I need. "

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