Walk to end Alzheimer's disease in Byron


Sheldon Hudlin, the owner-operator of 1st Class Cleaning Service, talks about the Alzheimer Society's next walk to end Alzheimer's disease at North Peach Park in Bryon and how his mother's struggles have inspired.

Q: What will you do on September 29th?

A: A team is walking to end Alzheimer's disease at the Alzheimer's Association in North Peach Park, Bryon. Registration is this Saturday at 10 am and the two mile walk is at 11:30 am after a short program at 11 am.

Q: Why are you doing it?

A: My mother – everyone called her Memaw – was diagnosed with dementia about three years ago, had Alzheimer's disease, and died last April. I have an aunt who has been suffering from Alzheimer's for eight or ten years. I started learning about Alzheimer's disease and wanted to help raise awareness and fundraise in memory of my mother, but not just for her, for all the people and families who live with her.

Q: Can you tell me about your mother?

A: She retired from the Houston County School System where she worked as a cafeteria. She has also supported community groups and Robins Air Force Base. She was really extroverted – never met a stranger. She also had a cleaning business, but her passion was cooking and fishing.

Q: These go together.

A: Oh yes

Q: What was your favorite dish?

A: Oh, it's hard to reduce. I guess the fried chicken. Yes, fried chicken. But his desserts – name one, fill in the blank – they were all good. Very good.

Q: How has Alzheimer's disease affected your mother?

A: During conversations, she repeated herself or repeated the same thing. This may be normal, but the situation has worsened. It would end up telling you again and again, again and again, in the same conversation. Things like that. In her case, the situation deteriorated very quickly and she died in a few years. She passed peacefully.

Q: So you took the cause?

A: I want to be a voice when people can not speak for themselves when their memory will not let them, and I want to speak for those who have succeeded. Alzheimer's disease robs us of this greater generation. I want to do everything I can, walk, raise money, change a company logo, create a blog, speak up, help raise awareness and provide information on how to treat the disease.

Q: Why do you say that about a logo?

A: My company is 1st Class Cleaning Service and I've actually changed the colors and dynamics of our look and logo and our vans to honor Memaw and highlight the fight against Alzheimer's. My Alzheimer Walk team is calling 1st Class for Memaw. One day, there will be a cure.

Q: How can people discover walking? How can they join or contribute via your team?

One: many ways. You can Google 1st Class for Memaw and he should have us. You can go to alz.org/walk and search for us, or you can simply text me at 478-952-7075 and I will send you the link. It would be great if people did that and helped.

Q: Walking is a fundraiser, how is money used?

A: Money goes to Alzheimer's Association to help provide care for people with Alzheimer's disease and to fund research. The care part includes assistance to local people and services in Central Georgia.

Q: How much has been raised in the past?

A: In 2017, the Walk to End Alzheimer's disease brought in nearly $ 90 million nationally and $ 2.7 million in Georgia.

Q: Do you know how many are affected by Alzheimer's?

A: The association claims that five million people have Alzheimer's disease in the United States and that it is the sixth leading cause of death. In addition, it is the only one of the top 10 causes of death that can not be prevented or cured. In Georgia, 140,000 people suffer from Alzheimer's disease and their numbers are increasing rapidly. That's why we need to educate and work for treatment.

Answers may have been changed for length and clarity. Compiled by Michael W. Pannell. Contact him at [email protected].

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