Wall Street billionaires acting as 'unregistered foreign agents' of China


SEveral influential Wall Street executives have made themselves "unregistered foreign agents" of China, and are helping to pressure the Trump administration into resolving its trade dispute with China, according to a White House official.

"The mission of these unregistered foreign agents – that's what they are; They're unregistered foreign agents – "Peter Navarro, a top trade policy adviser for President Trump," said Friday.

Navarro is one of the top advocates of a protectionist economic policy within the administration, making it a natural ideological opponent of most countries' economic positions. But his rhetoric at the Center for Strategic Studies and International Studies went further by raising national security issues and claiming that "globalist billionaires" within the U.S. are working against Trump.

"As part of a Chinese government influence operation, these globalist billionaires are putting a full-court press on the White House in advance of the G20 in Argentina," he said. "When these unpaid foreign agents engage in this kind of diplomacy, so-called diplomacy, they are weakening this president and his negotiating position. No good can come of this. "

The term "unregistered foreign agent" derives from a federal law enactment of the United States Government of the United States partner Rick Gates for their work in Ukraine.

"The Justice Department has considerably stepped up the enforcement of FARA in recent years – and it has become clear to lobbyists and public relations firms in the United States as well as political parties that hire them," David Laufman's Lawfare's noted in September .

Navarro suggests that Wall Street's "shuttle diplomacy" would be the same if they failed.

"If Wall Street is involved and continues to insinuate itself into these negotiations, it will be stenched in a deal that is consummated, because it will have the imprimatur of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street," he said. "So I would urge these unpaid foreign agents to stand on this issue."

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